Saturday, March 28, 2009

I've been going on chat websites and been trying to get people to turn off the lights in their houses. So far I got one person! Yay!

Quick Question!

Do you have to turn EVERYTHING using electricity off for Earth Hour? No one ever told me; sorry.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


We saw that movie yesterday. It was very good. Maybe I would have liked it more if Leigha and Barrett hadn't freaked out halfway through and Mom had to leave with them and I had to stay in the theatre by myself. Then at the end, though I didn't know it was the end, the fire alarm went off because freakin' David Archuleta was there, and I think he's stupid, and I didn't think the movie was stupid, so I was very angry. Then Mom tried to exchange her late-night ticket for a tomorrow one because she had to take care of her kids, but the freakin' bleached-blond fake-tan manager lady was being a retard, so she had to hurry and drop off Ethan, Leigha, and Barrett off at the house, and she brought me with her back to the theatre. The I realized I HAD seen the end of the movie so I'd just watched it twice, and cried at the end of the world twice. But I rally enjoyed watching it with Mom. I loved it. It was scientific and religious-ish at the same time! It was tight, dawg!
Knowing is so freaking cool! The whisper-people were awesome aliens and they were kind  of translucent and the two little kids were cute. I loved the end how the planet they were on
 was all CGI but somehow the animators managed to make it beautiful.  Watch Knowing, okay? It's astounding! Phenomenal! Stupendous! (Somewhat cheesy, but it's okay, because I thought it was funny how Nicolas Cage feel on his knees when the spaceship/crystal thing came.)

I think I may have noticed a guy next to me crying at the subway part too. I was mortified by the idea of all those innocent civilians being plowed down by the train...

The movie implied that it is never the end. There is still a life after this one. You. Me. Together. Forever. 

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

OK! I admit it! I enjoy Spanish. Happy, Mom? I just don't like the fact that I can't ever find anyone to converse with in the language because I have no friends in that particular class. :(

Monday, March 9, 2009


I haven't posted recently because I've been having difficulties with this old Mac computer. It isn't doing very well with uploading pictures.
So decided to write about happenings. Today was when the new trimester commenced, and so I have a new schedule and I'm starting a new Encore class. I have Spanish now, and I'm not particularly fond of it, so I assigned myself a point-of-view essay about why I feel Spanish isn't really necessary to learn unless you're going to a country where Spanish is te main language, which I don't premeditate to do anytime soon. Maybe I just wrote it because the class is unbearably boring.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Found it!

I'm going to post new pictures of my drawings as soon as I can; I found my camera today! Yay! :D