Tuesday, May 10, 2011

nothing to report

I don't know, Ethan. Maybe you'll NEVER use the computer. (Me telling Ethan that I am a computer hog.)

Hi there! I haven't blogged in...umm...three to four months? Who cares. I got the Inconsistent Blogger Award like, ages ago. Been there, done that.
It's 8:30 and I have no homework. Well, I could redo some math assignments I completely messed up, but you know. I don't want to. So I'm typing typing typing typing typing! Yay!
I have nothing to even talk about. Besides Finn. I love him now. (Or it's puppy love. Whatever.) He is the most perfect boy I ever did see. Except he's gay...score 1 for gays, I guess. Darn it, I doubt he'd like me if he was straight anyway. He's got this smile that makes my head burst with adorableness. And GLASSES! He has glasses. I love glasses. And he's blonde and he wears the most adorable button-up shirts. And he's smart (is that because of the glasses?).
I am a boring person. (Or so Ethan tells me. I think he hates me. But I love him anyway, because who couldn't love such an awesome brother?)
I got 30/30 on my Direct Writing Assessment. That's the highest you can get. I was the only one in my class to get it. My English teacher gave me a high-five and when I got to my seat, the girl next to me asked what I got. I said 25. I don't like to make people feel small. (21-24 was an average score so at least I wasn't completely lying and saying I was a typical student, but you know. I hate being the center of attention in a negative way, as in being a subject of jealousy.)
Leigha and Barrett got lost today. Mom and I came home from some appointments and they were gone.
"Where are Leigha and Barrett?" Mom asked Ethan.
"She said she was taking him outside."
"Where outside?"
"I dunno."
So we had to look for my little booger siblings. I walked all around without a jacket (which was stupid) but they weren't anywhere near the apartment complexes. I went inside and got my jacket, then went to look for them some more. They were still as gone as gone can be.
"I thought I heard them over there," Ethan said, motioning vaguely across the street.
I walked over there and went behind the apartments. They were playing in the sand on the playground with our neighbors. I called Mom (who had left) to tell her I found them. I took them home. And nothing else notable has occurred on this fine evening. Good night, sirs and ma'ams.