Sunday, August 16, 2009

I return with no ideas

I don't write much.

I don't know what to write about.

So I'll tell you things I don't like.

Things I Don't Like

1) Tele-marketers

2) Ignorant people

3) Twilight

4) Bad fanfiction

5) People who purposefully try to scare me

6) Being surrounded by nincompoops

7) Offensive tasteless humor

8) Spinach with butter

9) Jocks

10) Teacher's pets

11) Video games based only on violence

12) Stupid television shows

13) Failing

14) Waking up

15) Barney

16) Today's "favorite" music

There are also things I do like.

Things I Do Like

1) Meaningful movies

2) Oranges

3) Today's good music

4) Good books

5) The computer

6) Good video games

7) Flowers

8) Animals

9) People

10) My pillow

12) My stuffed animals

13) Exotic food

14) Big places

15) Harry Potter

16) My cool decorations

There are also things I love.

Things I Love

1) My Mom

2) My Dad

3) My siblings

4) My family

5) My friends

6) My pets

7) God

8) My Savior

9) The gospel

10) The world

11) You

1 comment:

Frasure Family said...

Are you still playing basketball? and dancing this fall? Congrats to your mom! Thanks for blogging again too, we've missed you!