Tuesday, December 1, 2009

More second trimester stuff

It's my birthday tomorrow. I will be turning thirteen. I'm not sure how I'll be celebrating, but I hope that my friends might decorate my locker. That's always the best part.

So today I took the DWA (Direct Writing Assessment) during fourth period. The prompt was to tell your English teacher about something in history that you would change if you could. So naturally I wrote about the Holocaust and tried to show the reader the perspective of a Jew in the 1940s. And then of course, when I finished, I found out that probably half the class had written about the same thing. Crud. I'll probably get a 3 out of 4 at best. I really was hoping for an original prompt, but now I've got a...common one. Phooey.

What I really don't understand about the new trimester is that everyone in my social studies class wants to get out of gym and go study with our Challenge teacher again. I like history, but I love gym. I know that's a little odd, considering the gym teacher is a jerk and he gets mad quite easily, but I enjoy exercising and doing physical activities. I don't want to give up one trimester of gym for three of social studies, you know what I mean? And I want to obtain a six-pack again, like I used to have before I started drinking all that eggnog.

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