Friday, October 8, 2010

Medicine that makes you sick

I moved.

Talk about short, sweet, and to the point!

But seriously. I moved.

I now live in Provo, which seems both huge and tiny at the same time. I don't know why. I haven't seen Dad in a few weeks because he's still moving out of his condo in Idaho.

Ethan had to get vaccinations to be able to go to school in Provo, and he got sick. He stayed home today while I went to the middle school for the first time. You'd think shots would prevent illnesses, but nooo....he got sick! Way sick! The poor boy stayed home drawing, eating bowls and bowls of cereal, and using my computer....I told him not to. But since he's sick I'll let this one time slide....this ONE TIME.
Funny that I used to be in junior high back in Idaho, and before that I was in middle school. Now I'm in middle school AGAIN. I feel like a child. I happened to show up on the day they were having a "fall party", apparently. I met a few people but their names all slip my mind. NO, I WILL NOT DO MY HOMEWORK! BLOG FIRST!!
SO....I suppose I must go do my homework. Bye marshmallows.

1 comment:

Frasure Family said...

moving is hard. It seems to take a while before you can remember names. I am very happy for your mom and hope you guys are happy there.