Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Graphite Rose

I wanted to enter this in the county fair but the deadline was two hours ago and I haven't finished yet. My mom says that it's pretty good. She said that I can enter it next year when I'm done or enter it in another contest. And on her blog she said that I drove everyone nuts. Fine. I admit it. I did. (But if they'd leave me alone while I'm drawing I might not get so crabby and frustrated with them.)
It looks a little different than what appears on your monitor. My picture doesn't look like that. The lighting is different.
Considering what happened at the most recent art contest I entered, I'm not very encouraged to enter any other competitions besides the one at the fair. I haven't tried it before and maybe it's different the ones I've been in. The whole "let the ugly drawings win" thing is getting on my nerves. 
I copied the roses that my mom got from Rodeo, which went considerably well. I think that the first performance was a little better than the second. My mom's friend's choreography scared my cousin Natalia a little bit. The dance was called "Critters", a.k.a. "spider-monkey-swamp-things". It was a modern piece. The dancers wore pantyhose on their heads (yes, pantyhose) and plain black leotards and tights. Natalia thought they were demons at first, but farther into the dance she started to think that they looked like bunnies. They held onto their "ears" and did the movement.  I thought it was awesome. 
My Grandma Maddie took us to JB's and Anna and Cora and I made up daydreams. They're stories about things we want to happen when we grow up, like happy things that can be little or big.
I get a really bad stomachache when I eat a lot. I definitely got a stomachache then. And the gunk on my face felt really gross. I hate face gunk. 
We showed my cousins and and all the other dudes my dad's new condo, which is spacious (enough) and air-conditioned and has a decently-sized living room, unlike his old house's one. We played there for a while and then they had to leave, but Winston stayed to visit for the weekend. We went swimming the next day and Ethan and Winston squirted Leigha and teased her with a Spiderman hand they found in the lost & found. And then the weekend was over and we went home. 



Caro said...

Hello! I have just found your blog by chance and am sure of returning to visit it. It(has seemed to me to be very interesting and I have very good moment reading the texts and seeing the photographies. I have seen in your profile that we coincide with several things as literature, movies..
I am a young painter of Andalusia and I admire very much to Vincent VAn Gogh. If you want I invite you to my blog of art.
A greeting and I will return to read you soon...

tiedyeparadise said...

Cool! I want to visit your blog. I really admire Vincent Van Gogh also. Most of the photos on my blog weren't taken by me, actually, I found them on the internet. I photographed the pictures of Salt Lake, but not really anything else...

Thank you for commenting on my blog. It's cool that you saw it!

tiedyeparadise said...

And also, Caro, do think that the drawings I displayed were okay?
Since you are good at art it would be very helpful to me. Thanks!

Frasure Family said...

So beautiful! I am jealous, cause if you remember I have no artistic ability!