Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Since I wanted to take 4 classes I tried the extra one I was going to do today. I was a sort of evaluation to see if I was good enough. So I stretched and I plied and I tondued and I pirouetted and I glisaded and all of those things in vain, because John said "You have the ideal body but you don't use it or think hard enough".
I have no idea what I did wrong. I cried for a small minute and the lady that gave me a ride to Idaho Falls bought me an enormous ice cream cone which I devoured in a matter of minutes. It was my favorite kind, Oreo. It looked like a snowy mountain with mud. And I ate it. It made me sort of happy but not enough.
I use my brain! I just get a little confused on the eight positions of the body. My mom said that she will work harder with me to get them right. I have to go now, the library's closing.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Potential Famous Saying

I made up a saying because I was bored!... And I'm gonna post it!

"There are the advantages of sharing a name with a peer; you might not be the person the teacher is yelling at."

It's freakin' awesome! Honestly, though, don't make fun of me because it doesn't sound like the ones that Dr. Suess and Martin Luther King Jr. made up. I'm not old... I'm not dead, either!

You make Sunny scared, Barrett

Sometimes I feel like this cat.
The other day my mom was leaving the house in the van and Barrett was watching her leave from the window. Now, Barrett was playing with toy cars and he can't talk very well, and he pretended that his cars were crashing. So he comes downstairs and says, "The car crash!" And I got all freaked out that mom had crashed in the car and I was like, "Was it your toy car or Mommy?" and Barrett says, "No, my toy car crash."

Farm Pictures

These are actually some pictures that I took. They are sort of dark, so you can open them in a different window to see them bigger. The first one is a house and the second one is a tractor thing.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

4 Classes?

Okay, I am loving ballet classes. I don't mean to brag, but I am getting pretty good. I have these terrible pains in my thighs and that means that I have been turning out the correct way. If I'm lucky I'll go en pointe wen I turn twelve in December. I still need to work on strengthening my ankles. And my toes. 
My class took evaluation tests to see how well we were doing and what our feet were like. Of course, the tests were given by my mother. 
And today I got an e-mail from my mom and she asked me if I wanted to take ballet 4 times a week instead of 2 times. She said it would be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I'm not sure if I should, though, because I have after school on Tuesdays and I play video games and sports there. I must admit, though, that after school classes are really boring. Especially the video games. So I wouldn't mind quitting that. 
But then again, sometimes I get really frustrated in ballet classes. My Mom wants to enroll me in classes in Idaho Falls. I think they might be harder than the classes I take here, so I'm worried that I'll be even worse there. 
I really really really want to go en pointe, so taking more lessons will help me develop my arches in my feet and stuff better. I want to do other things too, though. I've always wanted to play basketball, and ballet might limit my talent in that area. My Mom enrolled me in basketball I think. If ballet interferes with that I can't do the 4 lessons. 
And so I really don't know I should. I really really want to, but I don't know. I think I will.

P.S. I am the one with their leg at 90, sort of in the middle

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wait! Don't leave! I thought of something!

I had a very good ballet class on Wednesday. Thank you for listening.

I still can't think of anything

I'm still trying to think of good things to write... but I can't!

Well... My brother's friend is visiting our dad's house this weekend, and they're playing video games right now. I'm not done with my homework yet and I go on the internet almost every day. I write in my journal and I'm trying to think of what I want to be when I grow up. I either want to be an artist, a writer/poet, a basketball player, a ballerina, or something else. I'm really not sure.

And I have to admit that I don't write nearly as much on my blog as I do in my journal, because some stuff is personal, right? So you need to give me a break and wait for something cool to happen. That isn't secret or anything. Uh, see ya!...

This is a cute frog

Friday, September 12, 2008

I thought of something to post about...

But it's also sad, really. I thought of posting something that had to do with September eleventh, but now I can't think of anything to say at all. I feels as if the event happens every year... over and over.

Of course, I was rather young when the World Trade Centers collapsed, and so I didn't understand very well... but looking on YouTube and seeing those planes and the buildings burst into flames... I almost cried.

Some person in my class asked why they didn't make 9/11 a holiday...


It's like Pearl Harbor. You just don't celebrate those things, imbecile.

It just happens every year. Over and over.
My mom said something on that morning. I forgot what it was. I think it was something about us continuing to use our talents... or something like that. This is the last year that people can come to where the towers once stood to mourn for the lost... there are going to be new buildings there. And I still am sad about the incident, but it's good to embrace the future.
I think that we need to move on...

Lazy lazy me...

I am so sorry that I haven't posted in a long time! As sad as it is for me to admit it, I hardly ever have time. I have had a lot of homework since school started...Argh! It's actually really frustrating.
Yes, so I have neglected both my blog and my personal journal, I don't do many outdoor activities, and all I do after school is watch television or something else that would be considered "lazy".
I don't really have much to report. Leigha, my seven-year-old sister, is escorting the homecoming king at tonight's football game. I guess that's something... at least it takes up some space on this page.
I get all my homework done, and so far I don't have any F's in school (I think)... I'm actually pretty glad about that.
I found my old PSR's blog. That was happy... it was a happy time.
I want to keep a kitty that we found. I call her Yellowfang. My dad says that she looks too mangy to keep, but she's really friendly.

And I'll think of something else to post in a while. See ya!!