Thursday, October 16, 2008

box.txt; Microsft Word

Hiding inside my little box

Concealed by these stone walls,

Slipping away with each minute,

Trying to pull myself out.

I call to them, "Hey,

Grab on to my arms

And release me from my gloomy cell!"

But scoffing, they turn away.

And still,

I lurk in the dark,

Not knowing what awaits me.

All I see is pitch-blackness,

Surrounding my trembling body.

I reach out

Expecting warm, welcoming hands to grasp me,

But I feel cold ice,

I feel only dark, gloomy air

Not moving.


I walk,

And wait,

For someone,


To relieve my pain of not knowing.

I desperately need to escape

This unwelcoming pit,

This box

Which has swallowed me up.

I always ask questions,

Maybe too many,

And that is why they have banished me

Into this world

Of sadness,



And deceit.

No one but me is here,

Struggling to understand

The meaning of things,

Feeling, feeling

In the dark.

I wish,

I wonder,

And never know.

Freezing stone walls

Block my access to the outside world.

There is no comfort

When I am lost.

I can't see,

Or hear

Let alone understand

What is happening.

But someday, I will step out of this box,

And light will fall upon everything,

And I'll see everything,

Hear everything,

Understand everything.

Nothing will be nothing,

I will be something.

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