Saturday, October 11, 2008


I'm trying to think of what to be for Halloween--October seems to fly by so fast! Originally I wanted to be Barack Obama, because we found this freaky mask of him at Wal-Mart. But my mom took my idea and said, "No, you get to be Joe Biden." I don't wanna be Biden! As cool as Joe is, I still wanna be Obama!
So then I decided that I should be a pumpkin. But then I thought, Crap, I got rid of my orange turtleneck last year! I was thinking that I could wear green pants, the orange turtleneck, and an orange hat with a stem on it and then stuff my shirt with pillows. I thought it would be cute... but then Mom said I might look pregnant. My idea was spoiled.
I have no idea what the crap to be!!
When we got the Obama mask my mom was bummed that there wasn't a Palin one so she could make fun of her on Halloween. Since there wasn't one she "had no choice" but to take my Obama idea. Errg!
Last year I was a medieval princess thing with a green dress and a white veil. But about three other people had the same costume! The year before that I was this dumb mermaid with pink hair. I looked retarded. I wanna be something cool this year!
I remember years ago that I had a plan to be Alice in Wonderland, but I think I ended up being Elmo or something. I could be Alice this year! I could totally get the whole blue dress, black bow, and I won't even need a yellow wig because I already have the right hair color!
And the way Alice is illustrated in Lewis Carrol's book is about the way she looks in the Disney film.
Then all I need to do is go find some random lost cat and say it's Dinah. Yes! I'm finished.
Where am I gonna find the cat?
I really wish Dustpelt were here. He'd be perfect!
I've never been something scary for Halloween. I remember last year in school there was this girl dressed as Edward Scissorhands... no, way too scary and old.
I was a bat one year, maybe I could be one this year?... no, that was five years ago, the costume won't fit anymore.
I think I'll settle for Alice. Better go find Dustpelt!... er, Dinah!

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