Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mommy & me time

So we went to Salt Lake (again) last weekend as a birthday present for me. We went to see Ballet West's Nutcracker and we ate yummy Indian food and we got me fitted for...................
POINTE SHOES!! They are Grishko 2007.
And I am so happy for me.
The ballet was so fun to watch. The costumes were gorgeous! They must have taken forever to make.
The Cavalier kind of stumbled once or twice, but if you compared and contrasted him to Cache Valley Civic Ballet's Cavalier from a few years ago he did absolutely stupendous. I was told by Mom that the other Cavalier fell over...several times.
Then after that we went to get me fitted for.........POINTE SHOES!!! And the lady there was very good at fitting. She told us that this one time a teacher came in with her student and the student wasn't ready so the fitter told them she wasn't ready and the teacher called back and said "I don't care if she's ready; I just buy the shoes." And we were like, Wow. We are in the midst of a professional.
Then we were at the Indian restaurant and it was so deliciously savorily yummily good, that I ate nearly all of it. It was spicy and the mango pudding was sort of like vanilla but sooooo much better.
Then we got stuck in traffic trying to see the Christmas lights in Temple Square for something like an hour. The pedestrians were moving faster than us!! 
We finally got out and parked a few blocks away on a cliff! Our van was just about hanging over the edge! I'll need to upload pictures.
So we saw the lights and they were pretty and I goofed off because I was really hyper, like I am right now because I'm all excited telling you this. 
Then I saw a building and it had A WATERFALL on the WALL! It was crazy.
Then we got in the van and we drove and drove until I fell asleep and Mommy got so tired she started seeing things so we had to pull over in Pocatello and we slept in a comfy bed in an 8 Motel.
Then we ate at iHop in Idaho Falls and it was good because I really like eggs and bacon and pancakes. We were so hungry! We finished in five seconds!
Then we got home all happy and greasy because we needed to take showers.
I know it's not a very in-depth description of the trip but I'm not in the mood to write a novel write now. OH! Speaking of novels I finished Twilight and it was both weird and good. And I'm almost done with Orson Scott Card's The Memory of Earth and it vaguely reminds me of the Book of Mormon. Just kidding! It is a total rip-off of the Book of Mormon! I always can predict what is going to happen! It's just like the story about how Nephi went to get the Plates of Brass from Laban. Except Nephi's name is Nafai and Laban's name is Gaballufix and Sam's name is Issib and Laman's name is Elemak and Lemuel's name is Mebbekew. And there's like this computer thing called the Oversoul and it really is a way cool book but you can just tell he's stealing these ideas from somewhere... I love the book though! I can't put it down! Except for right now, of course, because I'm typing on the computer. Ha.


lavendergrl said...

ROFLMFAO!!! That was highly entertaining. You seriously make me giggle. We need to upload the pics. :-) Remind me.

Miss you. XOXO

tiedyeparadise said...

ok. I love you mommy.

Frasure Family said...

I love the nutcracker! I am excited that you are going on Pointe! I hope your feet are prepared for the blisters! So are you going to read the rest of the Twilight series? New Moon is my least favorite and Eclipse is my favorite!