Monday, November 30, 2009

Migraine. Yay.

Unless you want to read a five-page-long post, I won't write everything I've been up to over the past couple months.

But I will update on more recent occurrences.

I entered the second trimester of school today and was doing fine until it was time for second period, art. I'd expected one of my, er, "friends" to be in the class with me, but he ended up taking it during first hour. So, as you can imagine, I was quite disappointed and was quiet throughout the period. I was also feeling self-conscious because I thought there might be a bit of booger peeking out of my nostril, and I wasn't certain if anyone had seen me trying to get it out, not even knowing whether it was there or not.

So, whaddaya know, I started to see a huge blind-spot, and I could barely see out of my right eye. I knew what was coming.

During third period I told my writing teacher about my vision. "Sounds like a migraine," she said. I knew she was right, but I didn't want to leave school because I'm one of those people that gets all worked up over missing one assignment. But she told me to call home, so I did, and got the answering machine. I left a message for my mom and stayed for the whole period. The headache was coming and I was feeling sluggish.

So during lunch I sneaked down the hall from the multi-purpose room to the phone by the office and called my mom again. She answered this time and told me to wait for fifteen minutes in the front office. I sat on the chair with my backpack and coat, relieved that none of the secretaries were asking me why I was there. Every time the door opened I looked up hopefully, raising my aching head and then laying down again on my backpack when it wasn't Mom. Finally she came and I was crying on the way home. Yeah, I'm a wimp. Don't rub it in.

But I'm feeling a million times better now. :)

1 comment:

Frasure Family said...

Sorry you had a migraine, glad you are better. Glad your classes are ok. I can't believe you will be 13! Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great day. I need your email to invite you to our blog. You can email me at I will look for yours in my spam.