Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Scream

No, not the painting. Though it is a very nice piece of art.

What I mean is that in my art class during second period, the place is in total chaos. I honestly try to be a good little girl and be polite to my teacher, but sometimes the insanity of the place is tough to handle. Yesterday was particularly chaotic and I was feeling a little sorry for my teacher, who started teaching only this year. By the time two-thirds of the period was over, we were all finally somewhat quiet, and we were listening to Miss Mitchell lecturing us on respect, but the poor young woman has a gentle voice and none of my peers seem to take her seriously.

So Mark, an odd kid, says, "MISS MITCHELL, I have a question! HEY, I have something to say!"

And he was undoubtedly about to say something ridiculous that had no relevance to the lecture.

By this time I'd had my fill of pandemonium for a week, and so in a rather loud and frightening voice, I screamed, "SHUT YOUR GOB, YOU TWIT!"

I was a little shocked at myself and my own mouth was gaping as I watched Mark go silent. Some people were giggling, my friend Sabrina said "Whoa," but other than that everyone was quiet. Miss Mitchell calmly continued with the lesson.

So at the end of class I apologized to my teacher, and she said that that behavior wasn't typical of me, but it was understandable in the situation.


I was glad I wasn't in trouble, but I was sure I'd get a little talking-to after that outburst. Maybe my impulsiveness isn't such a bad thing. After all, when I punched a student in my math class, my teacher didn't seem to mind. ^_^

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