Thursday, October 20, 2011



...Okay. So I suppose I've gotten over any infatuations I had with any of the jerkfaces from my old town, and moved onto more...erm..."uplifting" people? But not only have my potential love interest's standards been raised, so have their...intelligences. Bluh. The guy I like is smart. I can't even compare. I've been humbled. And I wouldn't call this an infatuation, more know, actually liking someone. But he knows so much, and I feel like a kindergartener beside a full-fledged adult when I'm around him, i.e. "Oh my goodness, he knows EVERYTHING!"
So I try to sound smart when I converse with him on Facebook or in person. And I fail. Hence, my desire to be shot, ideally in the brain so it is quick and painless. I wouldn't know, is death by bullet through the cranium painless?

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