Sunday, September 4, 2011

six stuffs

Y'know, I don't know what to talk about today. A bunch of ideas rushed into my head the moment I started a new post, but after analyzing each for a second, I realized they're all stupid ideas...

Here's one: I hate the website Disney Create. Every time I draw something good on there they don't approve it, like it's not age-appropriate or something. And I never draw anything a five-year-old couldn't look at.

Another: High school's not so bad. I can find my way around pretty well now and no one pays attention to me so I don't have to worry about being embarrassed or getting into dramatic situations.

Another one: I'm going to my uncle's new restaurant today. It's called Lamb's Grill, and I'm not sure but I think it's the oldest restaurant in Utah. My grandpa gave him a loan to buy it and he's hosting a party for the family today. I hope the food there isn't as oil-sodden as the food my uncle makes at home. Well, he's not a chef, so I guess it'll be different. He's the owner so he just supervises the employees and things. It's just that I feel like my face has been smothered in grease every time I eat his food.

Number four: Barrett needs a bath and I'm going to have to push myself to get off my butt and bathe him. He's standing next to me making car noises and explosions.

Five: There's a hole in my pants. I hope no one notices. There are also two holes in my shirt. The fabric's not that durable and I've had it for a few years.

Six: I hate my hair right now >:U (Has anyone else noticed that that emoticon looks like Trogdor?)


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