Monday, August 8, 2011

i'm fat


Mom didn't seem to be in a good mood today. Good news: I'm finally home! And I suspect I gained ten pounds yesterday but I'm too scared to look at a scale; I might break it. Last time I checked I was 114.4 pounds, but now it'll be somewhere around 120...and my belly distended and it's got fat rolls so it leaves purple marks when I stretch out properly. I decided that if I eat too much one day I'm not allowed to eat the next day. It's really hard, though...I ate a peanut butter sandwich and a piece of pizza and a breadstick just now. Losing weight is gonna be harder than I thought. Most girls my age are around 98 pounds, but I'm way above that...I'll go weigh myself... ;_;

The good scale wasn't working so I used the crappy one. It says somewhere around 117-118...


I need to get down to something like 100. I noticed that the girls back at school had remarkably skinny legs and mine are so flabby and gross...but I can't stop eating! Eating is so awesome D':

1 comment:

Natasha said...

You're not fat, seriously. Don't worry about your legs being flabby, I'm sure they're not. Even if they're not as skinny as those other girls, they are fine. You Are Not Fat. You are skinny. I'm all about eating heathy and good proportions and working out to be fit and strong, but please don't worry about size, especially at your age!