Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Successful Project (Finally)

After considering sculpting, portraits, and several different drawings, I finally had my mind set on a painting only a day before the deadline of the art contest. 
I painted water lilies and lily pads floating on multi-colored water for my entry. It turned out satisfactory, but it's not my best work. It's gonna get zeroth place--wait, this is a contest, so isn't it supposed to be like, millionth place? 
Anyway, it was like, 6 p.m. and I finally thought of this idea. So we headed over to Porter's and got the poster board and then got the paint from Wal-Mart, and miraculously, I didn't destroy the whole poster, I just sort of... ruined it. My mom says it's very good for my first effort. Yeah, and she's took art classes for, hm... four years? So she's pretty much amazing. Her example painting of a lily pad was more like the winning piece, not the example. 
So, I guess the subject of this post is sort of compatible with the title, but I don't really know if my project is successful 'cause I haven't won anything. I suppose I was successful in actually completing it, 'cause I was pretty sure I wasn't gonna finish anything. But I did. And I'm happy it's over and done with. Hallelujah. 
So I guess I don't really care if I win or lose. Okay, I do, so that I can live up to my reputation of at least getting third every year. Last year I got first in the pencil division for drawing this stupid Asian-looking horse. Standing ext to a girl. My choice of title for this work was "Female Human Standing Next To Stupid, Ridiculously Asian Looking Ungulate." Okay, that would be my choice now, in 2008, 'cause I didn't know what an ungulate was in 2007. My original choice was "Girl Standing Next to Stupid Chinese Horse," as opposed to "Olivia In The Pasture." My mom wanted to call it that, because she asked me what I wanted the girl's name to be and I said Olivia. I was seriously going to call it option number one. 
So since I wouldn't stop arguing over the choice of name, my mom sent me out to the car from the entering-place. Henceforth, my ridiculous drawing is still called "Olivia In The Pasture." I hate that name. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Coco's Party

My great-grandma Coco's  party was really fun. I went to give Coco her card I made for her, and she didn't recognize me. I explained who I was, and this is what she said:  "Oh, yes, the last time I saw you was when you were just a baby. You've grown so big... Oh, you look so precious."
The last time she saw me was last year, at her ninety-eighth birthday. Or was it Thanksgiving? Hm. Dunno. But it was recently. She hasn't forgotten me before... It makes me sort of sad. But then again, she's ninety-nine, so what do you expect? At least she appreciated my being there. She said she wants me to be at her next birthday party. I sure hope she has a next one. I don't know how much longer she'll last. 
My aunts and Grandma Maddie call her "our queen mother" and "angel on earth". She deserves to be called that, and it's a sweet thing to say. I call her "really really old". 
When she gave a speech, she forgot he age. "I'm so thankful that all my children, grand children, and my great-grandchildren could all be here, to celebrate my seventy-seventh birthday-" she began. 
"No," everyone said. "Ninety-nine!" 
"Ninety-nine!" she repeated, "Imagine that!" 
We laughed. 
My Grandpa Wayne gave his speech and then started to sing "99 bottles of beer on the wall". We passed bottles of root beer to all of the guests and I got nearly the whole song on film. It lasted awhile. 
Coco forgot that she was ninety-nine once again after that. She got the last bottle of root beer. 

We had to have family pictures. It was miserable!  I was soaked in warm, salty sweat. Everyone was. One of my relatives held something up to Coco's face so that the sunlight wouldn't totally blind her. I played basketball for a few minutes with Winston, Ethan, and my dad. Maddie came with Leigha to get us for more pictures. Ethan and Leigha and I posed around dad as he sat in a hard chair. At least they took that picture in a shady place. 

Yep, my annoying cousin JD was at the party.

I noticed that when we were hitting the pinatas JD would hold it in place for members of his close family. He was in charge of the rope. 
When his extended family (my family) came up to hit the pinatas (sorry, I can't figure out how to use the correct punctuation on the computer), he raised and lowered them, like he was supposed to. Cora and I consulted him about this and he denied his unfairness. This caused me to not be able to hit one. Have I ever told you that I have never hit a pinata before? They break before I get a chance. 
Later I played a sort of army game with Winston, Ethan, Anna, and Maddie. Winston was Lieutenant, Ethan was Second Lieutenant, Maddie was the medic and Anna and I were privates. We ran through the sprinklers (well, we were trying to avoid them) and pretended that they were machine guns preventing aircraft to land in that area. There was a path made by lawn mower wheels, and we called that a safe path to travel on. We said that there were land mines beyond the boundaries of the path. Even though we were avoiding the water, it was refreshing in the scorching heat to get sprayed. When we did get "injured", we lay down on the damp grass while Maddie patted us. She was "bandaging" us. 
We were in a baseball field. We went up the cement ramp to the one place where the one guy announces the points and stuff. My dad was chasing us through the sprinklers. We screamed. Dad grabbed Ethan an wrestled him on the ground. "Second Lieutenant's been captured!" we screamed into the dark. Once my dad had released Ethan, Winston told him he could be Major. 
We ran back through the water and back to Grandma's party.  

When it was all over Winston came home with us while Leigha stayed with Maddie and Anna's family. We played Super Mario Strikers until 3 a.m., that's when I  went to sleep. As far as I'm concerned, Ethan and Winston stayed up 'till four. 
The next day we had a family reunion that only my close family came to. Not that JD kid.It was in the mountains in Utah. I loved the scenery, but unfortunately, I have none of that on tape. I can show a picture of Grandma Coco, though. 
The adults talked in the microphone while the little people played games. I was specified as a little person. I played badminton (sort of) and football (sort of). I only know how to play basketball. 

Winston and Ethan and I went on a hike through the forest. We found poison ivy and sagebrush and poison oak. It was sweet. I think Ethan brushed some poison ivy. 
There was a pretty creek running through the park we were in. My cousin Nora and I dangled our feet in the freezing water. Leigha was there again and I helped her put her feet in, too. 
We played Ultimate Frisbee and it got stuck in a tree. My dad one of my uncles threw rocks at it. Maddie almost got hit on the head. 

I don't think we ever got the frisbee.  

I had a water-fight with Didi and Winston and Ethan. I was on Didi's side. We dumped creek water on them in water bottles and Ethan and Winston used water guns. It got out of hand when our uncle Greg dumped a huge bucket of filthy, muddy, disgusting creek water on Ethan's head. 
Leigha got to stay in Utah because of her clear schedule. Urr, I want to be there, too! On the phone my mom said that I can go after July 15th when rehearsals for Rodeo are almost over and the reading workshop is finished.  It's not fair! Fine, Leigha just can't come next time. If she's nice to me and she doesn't whine when she comes back I might let her. Hmm... Should I or should I not? Maybe... No, I am merciless!!! Muh ha ha!

Ethan screamed out the window of the car, "I hate you, Greg! You suck!!!" when we left. Well, you know, that's his way of expressing himself, and Greg did dump a bucket of muddy water on his head. 

Saturday, June 21, 2008


This is my hamster, Eleanor Roosevelt (but we call her Ellie for short). She is so cute! She is really friendly and never poops on me. She turds mostly in her cage. Ellie's mad at me in the middle picture. I guess I dropped her and she wasn't very pleased.  

Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Ninety-Ninth Birthday, Grandma

Tomorrow my family is celebrating my great-grandma's ninety-ninth birthday, but I don't know exactly when her birthday is. We usually go to someplace near Salt Lake City or just somewhere in Utah to hold the party. I have this really annoying cousin that I barely know and he acts like a retarded cowboy. He tries to take control over the games we play and he thinks he knows everything. He's incredibly fat. He always wears stupid cowboy outfits. Ugh, I hope he's not there this year. Although he probably will be, barking the rules of the games to the other players. 

The grandpas and uncles and aunts and grandmas all give speeches about the oldest old person in the family and what a greet mother and grandma and great-grandma she is while all the kids play on a nearby playground or play sports. My cousin Winston and my brother Ethan  can typically be found premeditating fake assassinations or playing a game they call World War II.  They sneak behind the outdoor bathroom and hide there until they see an innocent passerby. Most of the time they stay out of eyeshot the whole party. I usually join them on account of the mean kid that always bothers me. 
Once, last year, some seagulls were hanging around, searching for dropped food on the grass. They perched atop the roof of the bathroom and my dad, Winston, Ethan and I threw rice cakes at them. They'd scuffle all over the roof to get it. Sometimes we threw meat. They loved that. 

I'm hoping the seagulls will remember us this year and come for more food.  

An Art Contest and Ballet

I took the ballet class that my mom takes on Wednesday. She takes classes from a sixty-something year-old lady that is still brilliant. I learned new terms and there was this one where it was like a double pique turn. My mom called it a "lame duck turn."
I was taught some other ones, too, but I can't really remember what they were called. The teacher acknowledged my efforts to the adults that were learning there. She said that it was good to watch beginners. How is it good? I sucked.

I'm trying to draw my baby brother for the art contest coming up. It looks like an old man so far. I try to make it look like a baby, but I end up making its features look too... pointy. He needs to look rounder. Like a baby. Like babies look.
I was originally going to enter a sculpture of a cat, but I was never going to get it finished before the contest. My mom arranged to use the university's kiln that they have in the pottery place, but it wouldn't be able to dry on time. I wanted to paint it white with black spots and green eyes and a pink nose. I'll have to just finish it during my spare time. When it's done I'll probably take a picture of it and display it here. So far I have the head and eyes sculpted.
And that's all.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

All is Happy Today

Rehearsals were like this: screaming dancers running around mom's studio. She let us take a break in the middle and she turned on the Rodeo music. She did a sort of western dance with me and it was really fast. she practically lifted me off the floor. I had to bounce on one foot. 
My partner Carson and I had fun with the choreography my mom had prepared for us. He had difficulties with balances (and I don't mean we were balancing, it's a ballet term. It's pronounced BAL-an-ceys), but I think he did okay for the first time. 
Near the end of class when we had finished learning a lot of the square and line dancing, a kid leaned out the window and my mom freaked out. "Hun, don't lean out there," she said. "If you fell your mom would sue me, and I ain't got any money."
"If you had any money you wouldn't need to be doing this." he retorted.
"No dear," she corrected him. "If I had money, I'd buy a building with at least three studios in it, really, really nice studios. But I would still be doing this. This is what I love." 
I was standing with the girls on the right side of the room. They were giggling away, their faces red from dancing. The boys gawked at my mom, not knowing how to retort. He closed the window. "I'd like it if I could sue someone, though. I want the money!"
Of course. Just what any kid would say.
"But okay, I won't do it."
My mom turned to the stereo and started our music. "Okay, let's start from the beginning,"
We obediently strode to to other side of the room to our places. Once we were cued we ran to the center of the center of the studio and bowed, grabbed hands, and skipped to the bak of the room. we linked arms and swung in circles. Ya know, all that sort of stuff. 
I'm really enjoying it. I really, really am. I used to be bored with ballet, but I guess my mom's new and improved studio makes it more fun. The old one was really dark and dirty, and the new one is the opposite. It has more windows and the barres (do I say barre or bar?) are attached to the wall. There are new students and one is even on pointe! I think that's cool. 
I hope Rodeo goes well!
Also today I played vocabulary basketball a the reading workshop. I got to see some of my friends from school and in addition I learned new words. I'm really excited for the next class!

And plus I'm happy that more people are visiting my blog. All is happy today!

Monday, June 16, 2008


If I say anything that makes anyone uncomfortable, just tell me, okay? You don't have to report it. If you just tell me, I can change what I said.

A New Production

Rehearsals are going to be held today for my mom's production of the ballet Rodeo coming up in August. I am going to do square dancing with one of my best friends, and so it doesn't seem awkward. Often the boys will wrestle in the middle of class, and my mom gets ticked at that. One of them seems rather uncomfortable among all of the dancers in their leotards and skirts. I wear my jeans and shirt after class for rehearsal so they won't feel weird.
It's really fun. I'm excited for the production. I hope it goes well, the one kid looked like he wanted to drop out. My mom will be disappointed if it happens like our last recital. That would not be good. I didn't want it to get all messed up.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


                                                     This is a drawing of a cat I did.

Daddy Day

Happy Father's Day for anyone out there looking at this blog that so happens to be a daddy!
Leigha and I plotted to do a bunch of cleaning jobs and then buy our dad something-but we never got to it. So for a present, we're going to let him sleep for as long as he wants today without being bothered. That's nice of us, right? Yesterday we bugged him a lot-you know, "what's wrong with this video game" and "please help me, the computer just shut down." Now we have to let him sleep all day. I think that's reward enough for being a dad for another year.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Jamba Juice

Jamba Juice! I love it! 
Jamba rocks the world! 
My favorite is Orange
 Dream Machine.
 What's yours?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Sunny in Salt Lake City

We traveled to Salt Lake for my aunt's wedding last month, but what intrigued me was the sights. I'm not used to big cities; but I think they're beautiful. I love how the light reflects radiantly off the windows of spacious buildings.
I got a great shot of the capital building on my camera, too. That was cool.
I remember we were walking on the sidewalk next to a traffic-filled road and we passed a beggar woman. Believe it or not, I'd never seen one before, and so I took pity on her torn coat and ragged gloves. Others on the street simply told her that they had no change on them and turned away, holding their upturned noses high in the air. As I was filming the cars in the street, I heard the woman's cracked voice say, "Do you have any change?"
I hadn't been paying attention and I looked up from my camera to see my brother, Ethan, runningback to the woman who had been turned away. I saw him rummage through his jean's pocket and beam as he presented a quarter to the woman. As I realized what was going on I remembered a dime in my pocket. I ran
to her and handed it to her. "Thank you very kindly," she said sweetly, grinning to reveal rotting teeth. I smiled back and raced back to my brother and my dad and my cousin. Okay, I know it seems cheesy, but I felt accomplished, so don't laugh at my corny paragraph. Please. My dad thought she was a drug addict. At least I was nice, right?
All of this time on our stroll down the polluted streets of Salt Lake City our destination had been a huge library. A mammoth library. It had to have at least a thousand books! You could walk on the roof and see all of the city. It was awesome! You went up this long flight of stairs, and when you got to the top, engraved in the ground were the words: THE END. When you turned around it said: THE BEGINNING. Then there was a revolving door that led to a absotively pretty roof garden. After we left the garden we went into the library. It was...Big. And I think that's the absolutely correct word to use. We were in Salt Lake, for cryin' out loud! There were shelves and shelves of books. Glass elevators, even! It was so freaky t
o ride them. My little brother was too afraid to ride. It was like we were waiting to go on the freakiest roller coaster in history.I rode it with my cousin Winston, who somehow convinced me to look down, but I freaked out and closed my eyes. We went up and down, over
and over again, and then met my dad and Ethan, who was crying because he said that the stairs were scary, too. He's afraid of heights, obviously enough.
I never got to film the wedding, but who cares anyway? I mean, I'm assuming that anyone who reads this doesn't care, but sorry
if you do. It was me, in my dumb flower girl dress, with frilly sleeves. It was pink! I detest pink! And plus, my grand
ma kept commanding me to tie the bow in back, which I think is retarded. My dad didn't care in the least bit. Whenever my cousins who highly respect my grandma's orders tied it in front, I'd simply go to dad and say, "Tie. Now." He'd do as I said and I'd leave, only to be met by more strict aunts and cousins. Ugh. I eventually asked my cousin, "Anna, why are we tying our dresses in front? Isn't it normal to tie it in back?"
She shrugged. "I guess it makes grandma and Aunt Ingrid happy?"
Oh my gosh.
I commanded dad to tie it in back. He did. Someone ran into me again and tied it in front.

The wedding procession was like this: first the bridesmaids came down the steps of the garden and walked on the stone pathway by the flowers, smiling their cheesy "oh, I'm so pretty and I'm helping with a wedding and you're not" smiles. Next the flower girls (me) came down the pathway ans stood next to the guests on the right side. Then the teeny-weeny flower girls came walking down the stone path; white baskets in hand. They scattered silver ribbon everywhere once they reached us. Some went into their hair, all of it tangled in a messy knot. When all of the ribbon had been tossed onto the ground, they picked it up again, apparently not satisfied. All the parents were laughing, and eventually grandma, who had planned the procession, dragged them off to the side. Next the ring-bearers came, including my brother. They were wearing white suits, shoes, and underwear. (Probably.)
Then Ingrid walked to the standing-place, her sleeveless white gown glinting in the morning sun. She stood beside the bridesmaids, who were admiring her dress (probably not her.) Aaron (the groom) stood proudly, holding his broken, purple nose high. Then they got married (hooray, hooray) and we all stood for a long time while a guy snapped pictures of us. It got pretty annoying after awhile.
Everyone went inside and ate. Grandma tried to get the flower girls to wear plastic ponchos over their pink dresses. It was pathetic to see how many girls obeyed. I didn't wear mine.
Once it was finally over, my dad, my cousin, my brother and I left to change at the hotel rooms. My face was flushed red from sunburn, and it got worse when we went to the library.

Later in the day was the reception. I had been forced to put my pink dress back on, which hurt my sunburns really bad.
The reception was held at a gallery, which I think was really cool. You had great art to look at instead of Ingrid's drunk friends. It smelled strongly of beer and all the guys were laughing and talking all weird.
A band played a bunch of songs while the guests danced. I danced with my seven-year-old cousins, and I usually had to pretend to be the man of the couple.
I mostly enjoyed the art gallery upstairs. It was a place to escape the drunk people when you were too overwhelmed with the smell.
Near the end, Aaron launched the white elastic-things from Ingrid's dress. My cousin Cora, who was holding a lemonade, jumped in front of a guy who was reaching out and caught the first one.
Suppressed laughs filled the gallery. People stared at her from all sides, while some giggled behind cupped hands.
I turned to Winston. "Aren't men supposed to catch those things?" I inquired.
"Yes," he replied. (He's Cora's brother.)
"Then why'd she catch it?" I asked.
"Because she's Cora." he said simply. Winston doesn't usually have positive things to say about Cora.
Once Aaron had seen that a girl had caught the elastic-thing, I heard him mutter, "We'd better throw the other one."
Within seconds another elastic came soaring through the air. A guy caught it.
Then Ingrid tossed daisies to the reaching, eager hands down below. I caught a huge bunch of them, but I gave them all to the little girls. I really didn't care. And I thought that you were supposed to throw one whole bunch of flowers and one person was supposed to catch it?

Later, when we were at the hotel again, I finally got to take off the pink dress for good. My sister Leigha was with us now, she had been playing with our cousins. We watched basketball on T.V. until we fell asleep.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Reading Workshop

I'm taking a reading workshop on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the summer. It's mostly for college students to learn how to be teachers, but it's still pretty fun. During my first class I had to take a reading assessment. I KICKED BUTT! As far as I know I made no mistakes.
We went to a rock museum, and the students wouldn't stop asking us questions. On Tuesday we're going to play "vocabulary basketball" with another group. I love  basketball! I'm so excited!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


These are a few of my favorite quotes:
"You know how we were in the Squirts league last year? And now we're in the Peewees, right? Well, I'm wondering, do they want us to play baseball, or urinate?"
-Simon Birch
"When are we going to get there? I'm hungry. This car smells weird."
-Riley Poole; National Treasure
"Asps. Very dangerous. You go first."                                   
-Sallah; Raiders of the Lost Ark
"Yay! I'm a llama again! Wait..."
-Kuzco; The Emperor's New Groove


My mom teaches at a ballet studio, and last Friday my class had a recital.  As hard as we tried to get it perfect in previous classes, one of the other students ventured the wrong way in the middle of our dance. That led to the rest of us following her-which led to the dance being completely messed up.  We all somehow worked together and finished in our rightful places, even though most of us were a little flustered. 
Even though I was disappointed in myself, I eventually had to realize that it wasn't my fault. The student that messed up was laughing. I didn't get it. How was she laughing? 

I guess we all need to laugh at mistakes we make. But it's hard for me. I don't really know why.     

Monday, June 2, 2008

Summer Break

So how are you all liking summer? I usually sit back, relax, and turn on the T.V. to tune in for a good four hours of PBS kids. And I'm sick of it. I want to do something. I want to do something weird... But I don't know what. I have gotten contacts 'cause I hate my glasses and observed some rather disturbing anaphylactic reactions to a banana... But I really want to do something cool. I miss school. Why must there be summer break? At least there could be some sort of program for students that doesn't involve huge homework assignments. That would be awesome. 

Let me introduce myself

Hey, everyone!
I'm Sunny. Hope you enjoy visiting my blog (just as soon as I write something.)