Tuesday, June 17, 2008

All is Happy Today

Rehearsals were like this: screaming dancers running around mom's studio. She let us take a break in the middle and she turned on the Rodeo music. She did a sort of western dance with me and it was really fast. she practically lifted me off the floor. I had to bounce on one foot. 
My partner Carson and I had fun with the choreography my mom had prepared for us. He had difficulties with balances (and I don't mean we were balancing, it's a ballet term. It's pronounced BAL-an-ceys), but I think he did okay for the first time. 
Near the end of class when we had finished learning a lot of the square and line dancing, a kid leaned out the window and my mom freaked out. "Hun, don't lean out there," she said. "If you fell your mom would sue me, and I ain't got any money."
"If you had any money you wouldn't need to be doing this." he retorted.
"No dear," she corrected him. "If I had money, I'd buy a building with at least three studios in it, really, really nice studios. But I would still be doing this. This is what I love." 
I was standing with the girls on the right side of the room. They were giggling away, their faces red from dancing. The boys gawked at my mom, not knowing how to retort. He closed the window. "I'd like it if I could sue someone, though. I want the money!"
Of course. Just what any kid would say.
"But okay, I won't do it."
My mom turned to the stereo and started our music. "Okay, let's start from the beginning,"
We obediently strode to to other side of the room to our places. Once we were cued we ran to the center of the center of the studio and bowed, grabbed hands, and skipped to the bak of the room. we linked arms and swung in circles. Ya know, all that sort of stuff. 
I'm really enjoying it. I really, really am. I used to be bored with ballet, but I guess my mom's new and improved studio makes it more fun. The old one was really dark and dirty, and the new one is the opposite. It has more windows and the barres (do I say barre or bar?) are attached to the wall. There are new students and one is even on pointe! I think that's cool. 
I hope Rodeo goes well!
Also today I played vocabulary basketball a the reading workshop. I got to see some of my friends from school and in addition I learned new words. I'm really excited for the next class!

And plus I'm happy that more people are visiting my blog. All is happy today!

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