Monday, October 6, 2008

Cave Falls

Barrett is telling me to stop taking pictures because the batteries are almost dead in the camera.

We visited Cave Falls in Yellowstone National Park this weekend. we originally planned to see Horseshoe again, but my mom had that "I need to see somewhere different and explore" feeling, I guess. But it was so beautiful there! The trees were so orange. I mean, they were just these masses of orange leaves, they were so beautiful. My mom could only say "wow" throughout our drive. I loved the quaking aspens. They looked like they were shivering and their bright orange pigment was so pretty.
Sorry that Ethan isn't in the pictures; he didn't want to go so he stayed at dad's house. He was being a little mean to Leigha and me anyway.
Me. I look a little silly in these pics because I was too tired to bathe that weekend. I didn't bother putting my contacts in either which only added to my greasy ugliness. But hey, at least I brushed my teeth.
This is Leigha, the more cautious member of our team of travelers.
One of the many cows we saw. It's pretty funny because we were so entertained by them even though you see them on farms every day. they got right up close to the car and we took pictures of them, giving us an hour of nonstop entertainment on the drive to Yellowstone.
Mom in front of the falls. She was really happy to be out there considering how sad she's been lately. She always is a little happier if we go out near Horseshoe. Nature is her source of happiness. Look at that smile!
I am so glad that she is a little happier now. I ask her frequently after family expeditions if she is a little happier than she was before. each time she replies, "Um, a little," but this time I think she was a lot happier.
And Mommy, I'm sorry if you feel that I copied your post.
Lodgepole pines. We drove by them on the way there and it looked like rows of bars. It gave you a sense of... isolation.
This is the road to Cave Falls; sorry it is so blurry but I took this picture through our bug-coated windshield. Look at those orange leaves!
Barrett and me. He was being funny because we were taking photos and we had taken a really cute one and we were saying "awww". So whenever we took a picture of him he said "awww!"
Me in front of the cave. Leigha was too scared to go close to it and we had to hold her hand or carry her to get her anywhere in the forest. It was a little hard to see next to the waterfall because of the mist--that's why I'm squinting.

A random tree stump I saw. It was just cool how it was uprooted from the ground.
Sweet little Barrett (awww!) He's in a very cute pose on that rock.
Bear and Leigha (Barrett's saying "awww" again).
Mommy and Bear. I love this picture!
The river by the falls. This was just about when we first saw it. It came into view and all we said was "Whoa..."
Overlook of the forest. You need to go there to see it yourself!
All 4 of us, trying to crowd into the picture.
The exploring trio! (All with different odd expressions on their faces.)
Bear Bear, Cave Falls explorer going home, laying on the shoulder of his almost happy mother.


lavendergrl said...

Your talents extend from pencil to lens. Some of these shots are exceptional. You should continue to practice. Here's an idea: Hit your dad up for a camera for Christmas!

Frasure Family said...

I can't believe how tall you are! Are you taller than your mom? Your hair is so long too! I love it! It makes me miss mine!