Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

I looked on my calendar this morning and that's what it said today is. So if you are an administrative professional, I really appreciate you!

...No I'm kidding. I don't even care. What's an administrative professional, anyway?

What I want to write about is Mother's Day! I'm not aware of what exact day it's on, but I know it's coming up soon, so I shall blog about it! I shall make a blog dedicated to my mother and her extreme awesomeness when this day arrives!

This is me and my mommy. We are bestest friends, as you can see. My mommy gives me hugs every morning and we like to do fun stuff together. This was when we went to St. Anthony and played by the river. Leigha was there, too.

So, Mommy, your future blog awaits! It will be magnificent! I love you, Mommy.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

FB funniness

Facebook is the funniest place on earth. Okay, it's not really a place, but you must admit that it's hilarious what can happen there. My mom accidentally posted something using my profile today about a lovely recipe she made today and said "The kids loved it!" One of my buds, Tessa, came on and said, "But Emma, you don't have any kids." Touche, dear, touche, but I do have a mommy. I got over it after Mom explained everything and my friends were laughing. It really was very funny.

But what's really amusing is some of my "friends" from school who are absolutely desperate for attention. One, for instance, whom I shall not name, often complains that no girl likes him and he talks constantly about how he hates another boy from school, who I shall call BOY. Most girls like BOY (I do NOT), and this other kid likes to throw frequent personal attacks at him. What's really funny, though, is that they always backfire because BOY is well-liked. I tried to continue writing after I posted the screenshot, but it made the format weird, so I'll conclude here: people, don't be imbeciles on Facebook. It backfires epically.

WEIRD KID i say *a kid* is uglier than an elderly blob fish whos with me?

57 minutes ago · ·
39 minutes ago
He's nice though!
24 minutes ago
Why are you so jealous of him? He's just a normal dude and you're more obsessed with him than most girls are.
23 minutes ago ·
21 minutes ago
Well, he is...
18 minutes ago ·
Wow!!! i think your uglier than your own butt hole!!! honestly why would u even say that?!?!
8 minutes ago
Ok girl! That was mean! Harsh x100,000,000
7 minutes ago
7 minutes ago ·
Well he was being mean too
5 minutes ago
Yah well just because he was mean doesn't mean you need to be mean to.
2 minutes ago
ok then..whatever..i dont even know u
44 seconds ago
So idk you either, but that was still mean!
4 seconds ago

50 things

Sometimes I wish I was another person. Admit it; you have, too. I don't like the way I look, I wish I had the capabilities others have, and I feel so inferior when I place myself beside anyone else. But now, I think I should write about things I do like about myself and NOT compare myself to other people. Fifty things I like about me. It will take some thought and effort, but I believe that it can be done!

1. I am not easily discouraged.

2. I can draw.

3. I like to watch anime.

4. I am not as obsessed with anime as other people.

5. I go on walks with my mom.

6. My mom is my best friend.

7. I am determined.

8. I have fun ideas.

9. I'm not ugly or deformed.

10. I can run fast.

11. I am compassionate.

12. I want others to be happy.

13. I smile and wave at people I don't know.

14. I love hobos.

15. I can write pretty well considering my age.

16. I can think of good ways to solve problems.

17. I like broccoli.

18. I like to go barefoot.

19. I can do ballet pretty well.

20. I am somewhat muscular.

21. I am eager.

22. I like techy stuff.

23. I can use binary code.

24. I speak some Spanish.

25. I take good notes.

26. I am halfway done.

27. I like to sing weird songs.

28. Though I cannot speak in person well, I can communicate effectively through writing.

29. I will babysit twin boys even if they are crazy. (No, they're not crazy. Just energetic.)

30. I like to read.

31. My hair is pretty.

32. My eyes are blue.

33. I have a kind smile.

34. I have freckles.

35. I like to swing.

36. I wear epic T-shirts.

37. I look pretty nice in a leotard.

38. I am physically fit.

39. My socks are mismatched. (Yes, I like that.)

40. I love God.

41. I have a testimony of the gospel.

42. I love the Savior.

43. I love my family. (Which includes my pets.)

44. When I'm not trying I can have a sense of humor.

45. I am creative.

46. I'm open-minded.

47. I am trustworthy.

48. I rock at video games.

49. I experiment with new things.

50. I did this whole thing in twenty minutes.

Now you should try it, because you are beautiful!