Sometimes I wish I was another person. Admit it; you have, too. I don't like the way I look, I wish I had the capabilities others have, and I feel so inferior when I place myself beside anyone else. But now, I think I should write about things I
do like about myself and NOT compare myself to other people. Fifty things I like
about me. It will take some thought and effort, but I believe that it can be done!
1. I am not easily discouraged.
2. I can draw.
3. I like to watch anime.
4. I am not as obsessed with anime as other people.
5. I go on walks with my mom.
6. My mom is my best friend.
7. I am determined.
8. I have fun ideas.
9. I'm not ugly or deformed.
10. I can run fast.
11. I am compassionate.
12. I want others to be happy.
13. I smile and wave at people I don't know.
14. I love hobos.
15. I can write pretty well considering my age.
16. I can think of good ways to solve problems.
17. I like broccoli.
18. I like to go barefoot.
19. I can do ballet pretty well.
20. I am somewhat muscular.
21. I am eager.
22. I like techy stuff.
23. I can use binary code.
24. I speak some Spanish.
25. I take good notes.
26. I am halfway done.
27. I like to sing weird songs.
28. Though I cannot speak in person well, I can communicate effectively through writing.
29. I will babysit twin boys even if they are crazy. (No, they're not crazy. Just energetic.)
30. I like to read.
31. My hair is pretty.
32. My eyes are blue.
33. I have a kind smile.
34. I have freckles.
35. I like to swing.
36. I wear epic T-shirts.
37. I look pretty nice in a leotard.
38. I am physically fit.
39. My socks are mismatched. (Yes, I like that.)
40. I love God.
41. I have a testimony of the gospel.
42. I love the Savior.
43. I love my family. (Which includes my pets.)
44. When I'm not trying I can have a sense of humor.
45. I am creative.
46. I'm open-minded.
47. I am trustworthy.
48. I rock at video games.
49. I experiment with new things.
50. I did this whole thing in twenty minutes.
Now you should try it, because you are beautiful!