Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Successful Project (Finally)

After considering sculpting, portraits, and several different drawings, I finally had my mind set on a painting only a day before the deadline of the art contest. 
I painted water lilies and lily pads floating on multi-colored water for my entry. It turned out satisfactory, but it's not my best work. It's gonna get zeroth place--wait, this is a contest, so isn't it supposed to be like, millionth place? 
Anyway, it was like, 6 p.m. and I finally thought of this idea. So we headed over to Porter's and got the poster board and then got the paint from Wal-Mart, and miraculously, I didn't destroy the whole poster, I just sort of... ruined it. My mom says it's very good for my first effort. Yeah, and she's took art classes for, hm... four years? So she's pretty much amazing. Her example painting of a lily pad was more like the winning piece, not the example. 
So, I guess the subject of this post is sort of compatible with the title, but I don't really know if my project is successful 'cause I haven't won anything. I suppose I was successful in actually completing it, 'cause I was pretty sure I wasn't gonna finish anything. But I did. And I'm happy it's over and done with. Hallelujah. 
So I guess I don't really care if I win or lose. Okay, I do, so that I can live up to my reputation of at least getting third every year. Last year I got first in the pencil division for drawing this stupid Asian-looking horse. Standing ext to a girl. My choice of title for this work was "Female Human Standing Next To Stupid, Ridiculously Asian Looking Ungulate." Okay, that would be my choice now, in 2008, 'cause I didn't know what an ungulate was in 2007. My original choice was "Girl Standing Next to Stupid Chinese Horse," as opposed to "Olivia In The Pasture." My mom wanted to call it that, because she asked me what I wanted the girl's name to be and I said Olivia. I was seriously going to call it option number one. 
So since I wouldn't stop arguing over the choice of name, my mom sent me out to the car from the entering-place. Henceforth, my ridiculous drawing is still called "Olivia In The Pasture." I hate that name. 

1 comment:

AsOurHeartsBlossom said...

It's great to know that someone actually reads what I have to say on my blogs. I love the way you write <3

Thank you for commenting on my pictures also, it really means alot.

The kitty that I took looked like it was fake from where I was standng at, but when I got closer I saw it breathing. It really surprised me!

I hope to read more from you soon Sunny! ^__^

Much thanks, Blossom <3