Friday, July 25, 2008

Why does the disaster have to happen now?

Ethan had a concussion at the fairy party. While he was swinging in the backyard he went so high that he fell backwards and hit his head--hard. He got a bad headache behind his eyes and he also hit his toe, which started bleeding. Cora put spray on it to help the pain, but soon Ethan's fingertips went numb. Winston said that perhaps the spray stuff numbed his toe, and then Ethan touched it, causing his fingers to become numb as well. But then Ethan's mouth went numb too. Winston made the same assumption, but I don't think that's what really happened.  Ethan cried because of his hurt head and his fear of what his numb mouth and fingers could mean while the aunts read a child and baby's health care book. My mom said they should have just got him in someone's car and taken him to the hospital instead of frantically trying to do things themselves. They could have turned to the professionals. They read that if he started throwing up he must be takento the hospital immediately. (They should have anyway.)  
They also shouldn't have let him go to sleep. My mom says that whenever a child or baby hits their head they should not go to sleep or they could go into a coma. Aunt Angell suggested him sleeping to get rest. I protested to this idea. (I don't want my little brother to have a coma!) 
Still, the aunts put him
to bed and wouldn't let anyone in his room.
Earlier he had be being repetitive, talking about someone he knows named Morgan. This is also a sign of concussion, and they still let him sleep! 
When we started doing the fairy tribute (sparklers), we saw the light in Ethan's room flicking on and off. I went in there to check on him, and as if threatened, he jumped into his bed as soon as I entered. I asked him if he was okay.
 "Yes." he answered, hiding his face. 
And so I left and went back outside. Soon we saw the light flicking again, and so Angell came with me, who was also concerned. We asked him what he was doing. "I was trying to find the--*mumble*"
So I went back outside with Ethan and Angell to do the sparklers. Ethan did one, and he did awesome swordsman moves--a lot better than a kid with a bad headache should. I don't know how he did it!
 He was a little better when we all woke up, later in the morning. 
At 4:00, when everyone was fi
nally put to bed, Cora and Anna and I shared a bed on the floor, in the room all the girls slept in. The aunts took pictures of us pretending to yawn. 
The three of us giggled over random, silly things, and Uncle Kevin had to come in and shush us five times. When the aunts came in to shush us, we obeyed, but then we heard them giggling out in the hallway. We burst out laughing really loud, but luckily none of the other girls stirred. Eventually Anna got up to see what they were doing.  Cora and I followed her. 
 The three of the aunts were trying to take pictures of themselves yawning, and the pictures were absolutely ridiculous. They had Anna and Cora and I help, and their photos were still silly. But we laughed and they showed us the pictures of us pretending to yawn and we were happy and at 5:00 we went to bed. 
 Ethan was doing better the next morning. Leigha said that when she looked
 out the window at a tree, which had nothing on it, averted her eyes to the trampoline, then looked back at the tree, bags had appeared. Stupid, stupid! When will these children learn that there is no such thing as
 fairies?!? I'm sure it was an illusion, unless the aunts got some sort of expensive machinery that lowered the bags to the branches.  I was NOT fairies. It's fun to pretend that they're real, but let's face it, they're NOT. While all the other girls used their best dresses to dress like different sorts of fairies, I just draped a blanket over my shoulders, stuck  leaf in my hair and called myself the fairy of harvest. Whenever I told anyone what I was pretending to be, they were like, "What?" because they were used to the kids being a daisy fairy or a rose fairy. Or that's what I thought, because then they said, "What does a harvest fairy do?" Oh-my-gosh.
 They didn't even know what harvest is?

And also at the Pioneer Day Parade in Bountiful I broke my camera when I dropped it on the sidewalk. No more pics of things I've actually seen, sorry! But I did get a piece of wood a Geyong Gi Do guy broke with his foot. It was awesome!
There were these retarded kids about my age standing next to us that hugged every guy dressed up as a cookie or Mario etc. When the Utah Jazz float past they shouted, "Lakers rock!"
Apparently the cheerleader people on the float didn't like that. 
Winston, who is a lot more intelligent than those idiots, said, "Lakers suck."
That was probably the most intelligent thing I heard that day. They hugged a cookie and Mario and high-fived Link. It was so retarded. I don't want to call them gay, well, maybe I do, but that would be mean. I would 
never (that word is very emphasized) be mean...
I shouted "Jazz rock" at the float. They are my favorite team. 
There was a float that shot stuffed animals at the crowd and my little cousin Lukie (his real name is Luke) got one. It made up for him not getting any kicked wood. 
We left and ended up driving behind the stuffed animal float. Spiderman was hanging off the back, and Ethan and Winston waited for it to fall so we could pull over and grab it. Aunt Pear drove the van I was in and Angell was ahead, directly behind the float (well, it was mostly a truck). When a black bag fell off the truck we thought it was the black Spiderman, so
 we pulled over behind Angell, who obviously wanted the kids in her car to get it, too. When we saw it was a bag, Winston said, "I bet I could beat them to the Spiderman if they tried to get it, they're so slow, even though they would be closer to it anyway," They are slow, those girlies. And most of them are at least half a decade younger than him. 

We went to the Dinosaur Park in Ogden and saw all the statues and gems and bones. When we were outside having a picnic, Winston noticed a wasps nest in one of the exhibit's mouths. We were just looking at it and Winston randomly said, "There's a wasp's nest in it's mouth." I have a picture of it, too. 
When we went inside the museum we looked at rocks and fossils. There was a white rock on the ground that had no display case and the cousins fought over who got to be in the picture of them touching it. 
There was a display case with a crystal in it as big as my head, and that's pretty big. 
 There were robotic triceratopses and tyrannosauruses in a mock fight, and their movement seemed surprisingly accurate for robots. They didn't actually fight, they sort of stood there roaring at each other. 
There were some rocks that were cut to look like food. :P

We got back to Idaho in Pear's car and we met my mom at their house. 

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