Saturday, July 19, 2008

Stupid Contest

I lost the art contest. You know what, though? There was this really sucky painting titled "Las Vegas" that one three awards! It looked like a bunch of multicolored rectangles over a blue background. 
Of course my arch-enemy artist called Libby one an award this year. She wins every year. The flowers that the painted looked like eggs! 
When I got my participant ribbon, the boss of the competition (an old lady) came up to me and said "This is really beautiful. I want you to keep painting." 
And so that got my hopes up that I would win. And I didn't. So that was why the old person said that, apparently. 
My mom explained something afterwards in the van. "The judges will usually choose artwork that looks like a kid did it to win an award. This is a competition for kids. Your artwork doesn't look like it was done by a kid,--(it does)--so the judges don't think it's fair." 
Then I explained something. "So basically what your saying is that these parents expect that these kids will lose, and the judges know that, so they go and say 'this drawing sucks, therefore it wins.' So maybe I should do a sucky drawing and I'll win?"
She said she doesn't want me to try that and also it probably won't work. 
She said she hates art contests, but she was the one to force me to enter. She said that the reason the old person said that was because she was like, "Oh my gosh, she put so much effort into this painting and she didn't get an award."
I don't know if I liked my painting anyway. Bye-bye.

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