Monday, October 27, 2008

10 things I love most...about my best friend

This is a total copy of my mother's most recent post. My mom. What a wonderful person. Not just because she's my mom, she has other good qualities too. She hot-glued a costume together for me this year when an old ally of hers didn't return the pedal for her sewing machine. (It's a jack-o-lantern with a Moutain Dew cap (for my stem.) I could make a list of all of the things I like about her, and I will, because that's what the title says.

1) She has an aptitude for writing. You could give her something to write about and she would have a story in 5 seconds. If you don't believe me read her blog. But she doesn't talk the way she writes, in my opinion.

2) My mom has a killer sense of humor, though I may not understand it sometimes because she's a grown up and has learned more stuff than me and uses it in her jokes.

3) She is really pretty.

4) She helps me when I'm sad and consoles me when I am encountering a tough situation.

5) She is always willing to help. She helped us practice songs in Primary when Sister King was absent and she made fun games. She volunteered to help in Physical Education in my sister's class and was surprised to hear that she had to take over the whole class with no help. Second-graders!

6) My mom is very artistic. She paints robins and made a creative journal with peices of colorful paper and paintings, BUT IT IS NOT A SCRAPBOOK! It's a journal.

7) She is an awesome dancer and ballet teacher. She's taught me well and I can intimidate my friends with my knowing of French ballet words.

8) She takes me to see rodeos and concerts with her.

9) She makes fun of Sarah Palin and McCain adn is one of the very few supporters of Barack Oobama in our red county.

10) She's my mom. Who wouldn't love their mom for going through hours of labor to have them? NO ONE!!

Yes, she is the best mommy I could have. She's funny and watches Saturday Night Llive and other comical news reports with me and she supports Obama. SHE IS THE COOLEST MOM EVER!!


lavendergrl said...

I <3 Sunny!!! You're the bestest, kiddo :D

tiedyeparadise said...

Bestest makes me think of Mr. Barnes. He says that all the time. HE IS THE "ANNOYINGEST" THEACHER EVER!!
I love ya too, mommy. :)

tiedyeparadise said...

Whoops... I said "theacher." Ha ha.