Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving, happy, happy day

Happy Thanksgiving y'all!
I was at my Grandma Coco's house on the 27th and she seemed to be doing better than when I saw her on her birthday. She recognized me and was walking okay.
Over the past couple years we've applied a new tradition for Thanksgiving. We bring paper, glue, markers, pencils, and scissors to the family gathering place so that we can make paper dolls! I made a few that were very good. I had my backpack stuffed with supplies!
The food was savory. My Aunt Nancy prepared most of it. During dinner, my Uncle Ben showed us an inside joke within his family that he uses on his coworkers at his job! What you do is you do the "made you look" thing--where you point at something and say "Look at that!" Then when they look back at you you have a weird expression on your face and it gets everyone laughing like crazy!
We went to Aunt Angell's house at 3:00 AM after the celebration and went straight to bed, we were so tired! Then I woke up at 11:30 AM and I ate pancakes and eggs. We made more paper dolls and we played a safari game when it got dark. Didi used Anna's camera and pretended to be an Australian explorer: "This is explorer Didi, and I'm in the Australian Outback. Look, It's a koala bear, he's so cute. I believe that's a leap frog."
Now we are at my Daddy's house. I am typing, yay!
Also my Mommy and I saw Twilight and it was cheesy. And I haven't read the book yet, still! There was a part of the movie when Bella's in the car and they're running away from the freaky cannibal vampire. Then Edward jumped onto the car and he looked in the window and a bunch of teenage girls behind us screamed--LOUD! And so did I. Then we realized it was Edward and everyone in the theater was laughing hysterically in that suspenseful section of the film.
I'm gonna go to bed now. Night night. And Mom, don't pay any attention to the time that this post was written. Pretend that it's really noon on the 28th of  November.

Friday, November 21, 2008

End of trimester one

It is the end of the trimester so I am allowed to do anything I want in computer class! This is fun. I'm going to go to YouTube and Yahoo and all that good stuff. But I will miss my teacher next trimester.

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Birthday! Oh, yeah! Hallelujia!

I have not posted in a long time. I'm at school in the computer lab, hoping Mrs. Kalco doesn't get mad at me...
I did a PowerPoint on Idaho and it's pretty cool... just kidding. I'm bored. I have ballet today at 4:15, I guess that's cool. I hope Kelsie can come today. She has been gone. I think she had the flu.. It's becoming an epidemic here! I have never had the flu or flu shots... isn't it weird that people that get flu shots are more likely to get the flu?
Sigh... still bored.
My birthday is coming soon, though! It's in December. My little brother and I are having a double birthday party at the clubhouse by the condos where my daddy lives. We will go swimming and watch movies and play games and eat junk food! Yum! All of my friends will be there.. I hope. Both Ethan and I are inviting almost fifteen people... so there will be almost thirty kids there! Ahh! But it will be very fun. I'm really anxious and excited for it!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

President Barack Obama

My mom is crying. This is so amazing. He did it. He's taking over in January to guide our country to a better future.
Holy cow.
 I am so happy and so is my mommy and she's crying. We are so happy! We've made history! The first African American president. But that's not the only reason we voted for him! I believe he'll lead our country away from Iraq and stop all the fighting and the economy will be fixed. We will have a great country! (I still think the field was a sign.)

Oh My Gosh He Got Ohio!!!!

He got Ohio, he got Ohio, he got Ohio!!!! THERE IS NO WAY MCCAIN WILL WIN NOW!! YES!! That sign was real, with the golden field. I interpreted a sign! YAY! OBAMA! BARACK ON! BARACK-N'-ROLL! YESSS!!

Pennsylvania Whoop Whoop!!

YES!! He got Pennsylvania!
I saw a sign. It was a golden-lit strip of field beneath a dark gray cloudy sky. It symbolized hope! (Just a wild guess. Could have just been weather.)

Please win Barack, please!


Please vote for Obama if you are old enough because he rocks my world. McCain gives me a gargantuan headache and also the heebie-jeebies. And everyone at my school thinks he's going to raise taxes on everybody, but isn't it only the people that get 250 grand a year? I put a picture of him on my locker this morning and someone ripped it off. Arrg!
I'm sitting in the basement. HOLY COW, 5 MINUTES UNTIL THE FIRST POLLS CLOSE! My mom told me that's over eastward, so I guess they haven't closed here yet. I don't really get the whole polls thing.
Holy cow I am so scared. Who's going to be the next president??
When I was on the bus, they were complaining about having to wear uniforms at school. They were mad that Obama wants to pull us out of Iraq! How can you be mad at someone for not wanting war? They said, "There will be war no matter what." Uh... OK. Whatever, dude.
And they said he has no experience and Palin has more than him! That's preposterous! Palin would SUCK as a president if McCain were elected and something happened to him while he was in office. Hopefully he doesn't make it to the White House at all.
So we were at Maverick to get some snacks and the cashier was talking to the customer and he was like, "Yeah, I wish Sarah could be elected." The cash lady agreed and I said, "Yeah, sure OK."
My mom got really mad because this is a Republican county and if you say things like that, you're basically shredded into a zillion pieces.
So yeah, I want to be a Democrat when I grow up. It's funny because my mom is a registered Independent and my dad is conservative, and together they made a Democrat... it is a little weird. Usually a kid sides with one of their parents. I do on the Obama thing with my mom, but I ended up a Democrat when neither of my parents are??
My mom said I'm too young to make these decisions yet though. I mean, I am against gay marriage and abortion (actually in some cases I think it's necessary), so I guess I can't be aa Democrat. So maybe I sould be an Indepentdent. I dunno.

Saturday, November 1, 2008



It's November??

I completely forgot that November was after October! Happy November?? WEIRD!!

I'm gonna barf from all these Tootsie Rolls

Happy Halloween! (Er, late Halloween.)

I have a HUGE amount of candy in a floral pillowcase. In fact, I'm chewing on a large chocolate Tootsie Roll as I type this. The pillowcase is on my lap.

My costume, an orange turtleneck with black felt for a face and a green hat, kept me very warm. I was a jack-o-lantern. We were all jack-o-lanterns, and every house we came to had a person that said, "Aw, cute little matching pumpkin triplets!" (Ethan had gone home with Dad not even halfway through our trick-or-treating.) It kept me very warm during the night, but it was unusual because it was warm last night. We've never had a warm Halloween, until now!

We watched Corpse bride last night. It scared me when it first came out, especially the part with the guy that splits himself in half. But it was cool last night. (For one thing I didn't have my glasses on so I couldn't really see Tim Burton's animation flickering on the wall.)

Leigha is watching it again on the projector in the living room. I'm still stuffing myself with Tootsie Rolls.

I guess this is my last year of trick-or-treating. My mom said no more candy past my twelfth birthday, but then we agreed on thirteen from my arguing. So one more year!