Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving, happy, happy day

Happy Thanksgiving y'all!
I was at my Grandma Coco's house on the 27th and she seemed to be doing better than when I saw her on her birthday. She recognized me and was walking okay.
Over the past couple years we've applied a new tradition for Thanksgiving. We bring paper, glue, markers, pencils, and scissors to the family gathering place so that we can make paper dolls! I made a few that were very good. I had my backpack stuffed with supplies!
The food was savory. My Aunt Nancy prepared most of it. During dinner, my Uncle Ben showed us an inside joke within his family that he uses on his coworkers at his job! What you do is you do the "made you look" thing--where you point at something and say "Look at that!" Then when they look back at you you have a weird expression on your face and it gets everyone laughing like crazy!
We went to Aunt Angell's house at 3:00 AM after the celebration and went straight to bed, we were so tired! Then I woke up at 11:30 AM and I ate pancakes and eggs. We made more paper dolls and we played a safari game when it got dark. Didi used Anna's camera and pretended to be an Australian explorer: "This is explorer Didi, and I'm in the Australian Outback. Look, It's a koala bear, he's so cute. I believe that's a leap frog."
Now we are at my Daddy's house. I am typing, yay!
Also my Mommy and I saw Twilight and it was cheesy. And I haven't read the book yet, still! There was a part of the movie when Bella's in the car and they're running away from the freaky cannibal vampire. Then Edward jumped onto the car and he looked in the window and a bunch of teenage girls behind us screamed--LOUD! And so did I. Then we realized it was Edward and everyone in the theater was laughing hysterically in that suspenseful section of the film.
I'm gonna go to bed now. Night night. And Mom, don't pay any attention to the time that this post was written. Pretend that it's really noon on the 28th of  November.

1 comment:

lavendergrl said...

I was up till 3:30 a.m. last night with Carly. I have no room to nag. :-) Glad your turkey day was so fun. XOXO