Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Please win Barack, please!


Please vote for Obama if you are old enough because he rocks my world. McCain gives me a gargantuan headache and also the heebie-jeebies. And everyone at my school thinks he's going to raise taxes on everybody, but isn't it only the people that get 250 grand a year? I put a picture of him on my locker this morning and someone ripped it off. Arrg!
I'm sitting in the basement. HOLY COW, 5 MINUTES UNTIL THE FIRST POLLS CLOSE! My mom told me that's over eastward, so I guess they haven't closed here yet. I don't really get the whole polls thing.
Holy cow I am so scared. Who's going to be the next president??
When I was on the bus, they were complaining about having to wear uniforms at school. They were mad that Obama wants to pull us out of Iraq! How can you be mad at someone for not wanting war? They said, "There will be war no matter what." Uh... OK. Whatever, dude.
And they said he has no experience and Palin has more than him! That's preposterous! Palin would SUCK as a president if McCain were elected and something happened to him while he was in office. Hopefully he doesn't make it to the White House at all.
So we were at Maverick to get some snacks and the cashier was talking to the customer and he was like, "Yeah, I wish Sarah could be elected." The cash lady agreed and I said, "Yeah, sure OK."
My mom got really mad because this is a Republican county and if you say things like that, you're basically shredded into a zillion pieces.
So yeah, I want to be a Democrat when I grow up. It's funny because my mom is a registered Independent and my dad is conservative, and together they made a Democrat... it is a little weird. Usually a kid sides with one of their parents. I do on the Obama thing with my mom, but I ended up a Democrat when neither of my parents are??
My mom said I'm too young to make these decisions yet though. I mean, I am against gay marriage and abortion (actually in some cases I think it's necessary), so I guess I can't be aa Democrat. So maybe I sould be an Indepentdent. I dunno.

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