Monday, July 5, 2010

fireworks = cool

...Unless you have to wait forty-five minutes to actually leave the parking lot.

So, anyway.

We went to the Melaleuca fireworks in Idaho Falls and waited an hour for the guard guy to let us in, then around another hour for them to start. We entertained ourselves by watching a large flock of geese (and one mallard, whom we deemed as Ferdinand from Babe) be swept down the canal.
Then the fireworks lasted around thirty minutes. Half an hour of nonstop intense. (It did start to get a little old for me towards the middle, ha.) Sometimes you'd think it's be the finale, but it wouldn't be. There were hundreds of fireworks. Somewhat bored at the fifteen-minute mark, I started thinking.
I wonder how many fireworks the Melaleuca guy bought? Probably a million. There are a million fireworks in this show. But what if some of them failed? Then he probably got an extra million just in case. So there should be around a million fireworks here--give or take a few. I wonder how much they cost?

^^ These are them! I was much closer, this person was far away...

They're the biggest fireworks on this side of the Mississippi River...though you can't tell from that distance.

I hated waiting in traffic for so long. Grandpa was ornery with the people ahead and behind him.We found a way out, though it was a tight squeeze-- we had to go between two rocks and it was annoying when people would cut in front of you. Some girls in a truck drove right over the flower bed (but it wasn't really a flower bed, it was just dead grass and weeds that wasn't part of the road). Grandpa was angry at them, but Mom and I were laughing. :D

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