Monday, July 26, 2010

so excited

I was in Utah for all of last week and I had the best time ever! I saw my cousins Nora, Belle, Audrey, Cyrus, Logan, and Gabriella. I slept at Nora's house with the rest of the girls and Logan and Ethan stayed at Grandma's.

Ethan and Logan got boomerangs, which were promptly thrown either onto the roof or in a tree. They tried to get Ethan's out of the tree using Audrey's Barbie doll. It also got stuck in the tree.

I played in the canal with Gabi, Leigha, Audrey, Nora, and Belle. It was nice and refreshing because the weather was so hot and humid. We tried to sit in a shallow plastic box and float down the canal, but the water wasn't deep and the box overflowed in a matter of seconds.

I also saw Audrey's cat Julius for the first time in a few years. I remembered him as being a frail, skinny young cat, but now he's an enormous, healthy cat. He is seriously so big I could use him as a comfortable pillow. His meow sounds funny.
I also saw Belle's dog Cookie, who is still as small and smelly as I can remember.

We went to a zoo and saw peeing bobcats, loud peacocks, and wolves. We got snow cones and swung on the park swings. I had fun talking to Aunt Melanie and fooling Leigha with a ridiculous story about the Swinging Olympics in Canada when I was five, in which I won thirteen gold medals and outswung Chuck Norris.

I also saw one of the bunnies at Grandma's house! They didn't believe me because I said it was orange and they said there wasn't an orange one. Then how come I saw an orange one?

And we painted big planks of wood and I did a painting of faerie silhouettes at nighttime. It turned out lovely and everyone liked it! We're going back on Thursday because Mom is visiting in her boyfriend in Provo. Barrett gets to meet my cousins and see my grandma's house! I'm so excited!


Frasure Family said...

Sounds like a fun trip! Glad you had fun!

Natasha said...

Awesome! I didn't know you were in town! I want to see your painting, I bet it is amazing.

tiedyeparadise said...

Thanks you guys ! :)

I will try to get my painting on the blog soon :)