Wednesday, December 29, 2010

i want to jump off teh roofs

Christmas was as awkward as I thought it would be. But after the eating of tacos was done, I got to play with electronic trains and cars with my soon-to-be stepbrothers and Ethan, Leigha and Barrett. Somehow all of the children ages five to seventeen were greatly amused by my grandparent's collection of toys for an hour or so, especially the car tracks. We made a game in which all of the cars had to team up together to knock the only train off the tracks. I happened to be controlling the train.
Right now I'm at my almost gramma's house, and I'm sitting in the living room. I'm typing on the computer. Darren is talking on the phone. Mom is reading Mockingjay (which I finished awhile back and it was magnificent). My almost relatives are sitting on the couch across the room. April is reading children's books to herself. I think she's older than I am. My almost stepbrother is making a website. My almost step-aunt is sitting in a chair.
The scene is very animated despite the image that must have been conjured in your head. My almost cousin is talking with my almost stepbrother as he makes his website and people get up to move every few moments.

I came alone, just with Mom and Darren. Ethan, Leigha and Barrett are at my dad's house in Rexburg "helping" him pack--Ethan is probably playing Fable on Xbox, Leigha is most likely playing Animal Crossing on GameCube, Barrett is sitting alone somewhere happily and contentedly moving his toy cars along the floor, Dad is doing whatever he needs to do.
Ethan's birthday was yesterday. I chose Fable III for his present. Dad was a little worried about buying it and thought my mom wouldn't approve. But I told him it'd be fine. Ethan's not easily influenced by things as trivial as video games. Apparently Ethan told Mom he was given a CD for his birthday to cover up the fact that he got a violent game, but I exposed the truth pretty quickly.
Mom was asking me what we did for his birthday and said, "So all he got for his birthday was that CD?" and I said, "A CD? No, we got him Fable Three." then she said, "Oh, is that right?" and I laughed.
"They were probably afraid to tell you. Tavis has it, though." (And I thought that my almost stepbrother having the game justified Ethan's ownership of Fable III, so I hadn't worried about Mom being mad.)
"I know Tavis has it."
So, I really hope she doesn't get upset...I was actually the one to choose the game in the first place, so all the blame rests on me if she deems it inappropriate for a thirteen-year-old.
I want to read Hunger Games again. I'm jealous of the people that don't know what's going to happen. I want to be all excited by it again and reread parts over and over because I love it so much! Ahh. I hate finishing a good book series.

And when Ethan was here he and Tylan and Michael and Tanner were jumping off the roof. I'm jealous.

Friday, December 24, 2010

merry christmas (eve)!

I don't think I can blog tomorrow because we're going to Idaho. It's going to be an awfully long, awfully tedious drive. I can't handle long drives well. Especially when people are saying, "ARE WE THERE YET ARE WE THERE YET ARE WE THERE YET?!" I hate that.
And then I'll have to see my family and go through the usual interrogations..."How are you?" Pretty aggravated, actually. "How has your time been in your new home?" I like it because I don't have to worry about what you guys think all the time. "Do you like school?" Oh yes. I do love taking naps in class. "Do you have any new friends?" No. "Well, we sure did miss you." I--cough--missed you--cough--too.
But I'm not that negative. Really. It'll be good to see them again...I guess...I mean, I should be happy, right? I suppose I'm just an ungrateful jerkish person. Well, we'll get to sing carols and eat and stuff. It's just the...talking part I don't really like.

But then I'll go see my OTHER family, which is a whole different story. They're really relaxed, nice people. They don't brag to each other, you know, like "So-and-so had a recital and she was the star!" They're all just happy to see each other and they play games and eat. And I like the talking there. We talk about whatever we want to instead of how we're enjoying school.

But what I really like about Christmas is the non-extended-family part. With just my siblings and me and Mom or Dad. It's better because we're not worrying about everyone else. And even if we argue it's resolved because since we have to live together we've grown accustomed to solving things pretty quickly.

Hopefully we can all just get along and enjoy the spirit of Christmas and Jesus' birth...RIGHT!?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

projectile motion, WOOT

Okay, okay, okay! So what I have to do is a science project on trajectory and projectile motion, and I found out I have to do it over Christmas break--which I CAN'T, because I need the school's basketball court, and I don't know if my family has a basketball hoop. What am I going to DO? EEEK! I'm terrified. :/

people with funny hair write good books

I finished A Separate Peace.

I don't normally recommend books from the sixties, or whenever it was written, because I don't like book from that time (normally), because the people had funny hair. But Mom said they still think the same as we do. But yes, I recommend this book. It's good. I think it's a movie, but I haven't seen it. I doubt it does the book justice.

It takes place in the early 1940s. It's about a boy named Gene who has a friend named Phineas (whom everyone calls Finny). Finny is very good at sports and Gene is jealous. They all like to jump from a tree over the river by their school because they believe it will somehow prepare them for the army. I can't tell you much else; it'll give away first you think the book is a little boring, but it gets very intense later.


terrible typing (that was so lame)

I have really bad typing technique.

I can't get more than 30 WPM without looking at the keyboard and I hold my hands in such a way that I'm prone to developing carpal tunnel syndrome (which I think I already have). I also don't go back to the home keys when I type; my fingers just go where they will.

In order to pass my typing test I must get greater then or equal to 30 WPM, not look at the keyboard and have less than six errors when typing a few paragraphs.

I have a feeling I will still be in typing class in high school.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

elise finally woke up

And then she stood, walked groggily into her safehouse without acknowledging the zombie watching her hungrily from the street, and collapsed again on the floor, falling into a deep sleep. Awaiting more Action Points so that in the future she would be capable of actions less boring, Elise snored nonchalantly in the midst of the zombie apocalypse.

In other words, she woke up, moved, and fell asleep again. How lame is that!? It's like one of those giant fat cats that only move to find a sunnier place by the window. Anyway, at least nothing can eat me now. I'm safe!

elise is sleeping and she won't wake up

I'm playing an awfully fun MMORPG called Urban Dead--at which I inevitably suck, because I can't seem to plan my moves properly, despite doing tons of research (strange, isn't it, to research a game?). But anyway, I know you're not supposed to tell people what you're doing in the game to prevent them from killing you, but at this point I really don't care because I had gone to scout out the area and ended up falling asleep OUTSIDE of my safehouse. So far a zombie has clawed me repeatedly, three times, I think, and it's been about a half hour and my character still won't wake up. She's supposed to gain one AP (Action Point) every half hour, but she is still sleeping like a baby, apparently perfectly content with taking a little nap in the streets of a zombie-infested city with no protection whatsoever save a pistol which she has no idea how to use. All I need is ONE LITTLE AP and I can get her to safety, but apparently running a few blocks tires her out very quickly. She'll be a zombie before I get my next AP. >.<

...Yep, so after a full forty-five minutes Elise is still asleep. No zombies have bothered to stop and claw her, luckily. Some people just don't understand the phrase "zombie apocalypse", particularly Elise Willington (my character). If she becomes an undead, I'll soon have to plan the safest route to a revivification point where I'll have to wait for at least a week to be revived by a NechroTech employee, and then create a safe route back to my safehouse. Oh, so tedious! But at least there's TONS of information on Wikipedia. I suppose it should be easy enough...or not. :/

Sunday, December 5, 2010

new blog

I'm going to make a new blog because my blog here feels old. It's too weak to hold everything. That's weird, right? WRONG! But the problem is that Blogger wants me to verify my identity, but get this: I don't have a cell phone! Did you hear that, Blogger, Google, or GMail? NO CELL PHONE! >.<

'Kay. So hopefully they'll let me start a new one later...hahaha. Blogger upsets me.