Tuesday, December 7, 2010

elise is sleeping and she won't wake up

I'm playing an awfully fun MMORPG called Urban Dead--at which I inevitably suck, because I can't seem to plan my moves properly, despite doing tons of research (strange, isn't it, to research a game?). But anyway, I know you're not supposed to tell people what you're doing in the game to prevent them from killing you, but at this point I really don't care because I had gone to scout out the area and ended up falling asleep OUTSIDE of my safehouse. So far a zombie has clawed me repeatedly, three times, I think, and it's been about a half hour and my character still won't wake up. She's supposed to gain one AP (Action Point) every half hour, but she is still sleeping like a baby, apparently perfectly content with taking a little nap in the streets of a zombie-infested city with no protection whatsoever save a pistol which she has no idea how to use. All I need is ONE LITTLE AP and I can get her to safety, but apparently running a few blocks tires her out very quickly. She'll be a zombie before I get my next AP. >.<

...Yep, so after a full forty-five minutes Elise is still asleep. No zombies have bothered to stop and claw her, luckily. Some people just don't understand the phrase "zombie apocalypse", particularly Elise Willington (my character). If she becomes an undead, I'll soon have to plan the safest route to a revivification point where I'll have to wait for at least a week to be revived by a NechroTech employee, and then create a safe route back to my safehouse. Oh, so tedious! But at least there's TONS of information on Wikipedia. I suppose it should be easy enough...or not. :/

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