Friday, December 24, 2010

merry christmas (eve)!

I don't think I can blog tomorrow because we're going to Idaho. It's going to be an awfully long, awfully tedious drive. I can't handle long drives well. Especially when people are saying, "ARE WE THERE YET ARE WE THERE YET ARE WE THERE YET?!" I hate that.
And then I'll have to see my family and go through the usual interrogations..."How are you?" Pretty aggravated, actually. "How has your time been in your new home?" I like it because I don't have to worry about what you guys think all the time. "Do you like school?" Oh yes. I do love taking naps in class. "Do you have any new friends?" No. "Well, we sure did miss you." I--cough--missed you--cough--too.
But I'm not that negative. Really. It'll be good to see them again...I guess...I mean, I should be happy, right? I suppose I'm just an ungrateful jerkish person. Well, we'll get to sing carols and eat and stuff. It's just the...talking part I don't really like.

But then I'll go see my OTHER family, which is a whole different story. They're really relaxed, nice people. They don't brag to each other, you know, like "So-and-so had a recital and she was the star!" They're all just happy to see each other and they play games and eat. And I like the talking there. We talk about whatever we want to instead of how we're enjoying school.

But what I really like about Christmas is the non-extended-family part. With just my siblings and me and Mom or Dad. It's better because we're not worrying about everyone else. And even if we argue it's resolved because since we have to live together we've grown accustomed to solving things pretty quickly.

Hopefully we can all just get along and enjoy the spirit of Christmas and Jesus' birth...RIGHT!?

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