Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bear Lake

The reading program ended today, so I'm gonna miss my teachers and my friend that was there, too. 
Since my dad lives in this city now, we got to bring the gamecube to my mom's house and I got really far on Harvest Moon: Magical Melody. I was ready to get married in the game, but then I found out that I did something wrong and I wasted 15,000 g! (Whatever g stands for. I think it's gold.) I love that game, though. It's the only version of Harvest Moon I've ever played, so I inevitably think that it's the best game ever! My mom says their a big waste of time, video games, and I agree. That doesn't mean that they're not fun! She might think this post was a waste of time, too, but she was the one that said I should post more often. She thinks I've been neglecting Blogger, apparently. I just can't think of anything to write.
Well, except for one other thing. My family went to Bear Lake on Saturday. My dad and I were very late, so we only got to swim for a short while, but it was still fun. When I got there I threw on my swimsuit in one of my relatives vans that had tinted windows. Right after I had it on I grabbed Cora's (remember, my cousin who grabbed the elastic thing at my aunt's wedding) and pulled her into the water. It was pleasantly warm. 
We swam far into the water as we talked. I had gotten better at swimming since I swam a lot at his house, so we were very far in only a few minutes. Cora is younger than me but much taller, and so she could touch the lake's bottom easily while I stood on my tiptoes. It took longer to swim back than out into the water. We talked and talked and watched the speedboats swerve and splash. When we got back Ethan was of course hanging around with Winston. They were trying to steal an inflatable boat from Didi. He was all like, "Surrender" and stuff. Like always. He's obsessed with World War II and armies and surrendering. 
I was shivering when I got out of the water. They had found a black dog with a red collar that started with five names. :) It was Licorice, Duke, Midnight, Something I Can't Remember, and Maro (don't know how to spell it). Maro stuck. I put a glow-stick around his neck to see him in the dark. We played fetch with him and he sucked at it. He couldn't catch the frisbee. 
When Winston put him in his family's van to try and bring him home, Greg said he would kill him (the one stupid guy who dumped the water on Ethan's head.)
In the attempt to pull Maro out of the van, he bit my hand, and it hurt. I called Maro Sucko. That was his sixth name. 
But Sucko started acting so cute that he was deemed worthy to be called Maro again. I gave him another glow-stick.
When we left the beach I called out, "Maro! Come!" and he followed us. Ethan called me a retard, but eventually he stopped pursuing my dad's trooper.  I sort of miss that stupid dog.

I wonder if he's in dog jail now? 


lavendergrl said...

This was not a pointless post. You wrote, didn't you? That's what counts.

I'm so glad you'll be in class today. I've missed you. And hey! It's so you think you can dance night :-)

tiedyeparadise said...

Yesss!!! So You Think You Can Dance! Wahoo!

lavendergrl said...

You rock, baby girl!!!

lavendergrl said...

And I know it!!! Gosh... Kherington is ruining this dance. I HATE her costume. Mark did okay. Ah! H4er stupid western bikini thing is so gross! She really sucked.

(Sorry, any confused readers, we're watching So You Think You Can Dance.)

And this isn't Lavendergrl. It's Sunny again.