Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Venn Diagram (and an unusual tradition)

I think that rehearsal for Rodeo went very well today. My mom recently choreographed a section of Hoe-Down when the girl dancers walk in a circular shape and the boys go in the opposite direction, creating a sort of venn diagram. It's really cool. 
Leigha (little sister) acme to watch today and we walked home together when it was time for us to go home. My class was over but my mom still had to instruct the senior company members. Leigha insisted on playing "I spy" on the way home. She mostly said, "I spy something green" and it would be a tree or grass. Or a green car. Now we're at home watching Ethan play Zelda while I post just because I don't want to ignore my blog. It calls to me! 
I think I'll play Harvest Moon today. It's something to do that my mom doesn't necessarily approve of. In short she hates video games. 

On Pioneer Day my dad's family is having the Fairy Party. It's a sort of awkward "tradition" that they have. What they do is the little kids dress up as fairies and the older kids usually don't want to. I did last year. The party is fun, but that doesn't mean I believe in fairies. Sometimes I've tried to convince myself that they're real, but It's too hard to believe. 
The aunts and uncles (I'm pretty sure it's them) leave gifts for all the kids once they've gone inside after the festivities. They come back in and say "The fairies came!" All the people run outside to find a big box with small bags in it, one for every kid. The bags hold cheap toys and candy which eventually you throw away. That was how it was last year. 
Before the bags came we were all dressed up as fairies. We played games and then the adults lit some sparklers. each of us did an individual dance as a tribute to the fairies. I made pretzel shapes with my sparkler, not knowing what else there was to do. My uncle Ben took pictures and you could see my pretzel. I tried to make my dance look like a martial art other than that, unlike the other girls who tried to do ballet movements. Very incorrect movements.  Anna made spiral shapes with hers. Ben got this awesome picture of her trapped in her own spiral. 
Ethan and Winston did their dace together, but it was very different than a dance. They did a swordfight. Ethan lost his balance while they were pretending to fight and almost got hit with Winston's sparkler. Ahh! After that they did not allow two people at a time with sparklers. 
This year I want to try and choreograph a "fairy dance" for the small girls to do. I think it would be fun. 


lavendergrl said...

You are so great. I know I say that a lot. It's because I mean it. I'm glad you like the Venn diagram section of Hoe-Down. You guys are doing it so well. I'm seriously so happy watching you dance out there with the company.

Fairy parties are your dad's family's excuse for showering you with fun and presents. Silly as it is, let them. My family doesn't do anything like that and I wish they would. Except the whole dressing up like a fairy part. That would suck. :P

tiedyeparadise said...

:) I wrapped a green blanket around my shoulders and stuck a leaf in my hair and called myself the harvest fairy. Everyone else had poofy dresses and were flower fairies.