Saturday, January 24, 2009

200 Years of (almost) Equality

President Obama is often judged by his heritage and past, but why not me? 
My grandma used to tell my mother stories about her great, great, great, great grandfather who was an apostle when he was alive. My mom said that Grandma told her that when he was called to be an apostle that he freed his slaves and went to Utah.
He brought his slaves with him to Utah, and he was the one to make it a slave state.
So why is Obama judged and not me? Probably because people can only focus on my great grandfather's good qualities, because he was an apostle, and therefore he's perfect.
NOT true!
I am so thankful that the 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, ceased all slavery. I just still don't get why people don't judge me because of my history. In fact, my mom had to do research on this supposed perfect ancestor to finds out that he was a slave owner.
Why is Obama judged? Why do people say that he's bad because he was associated in a group that involved some terrorist guy? That doesn't mean he was involved in terrorism or whatever that guy did. Just because of who his parents and uncles and aunts and grandmas were, it doesn't mean we should be so quick to make unreasonable assumptions.
So why not me?
Celebrating Lincoln's 200th birthday has been quite an experience. So far, 2009 has been an experience. Remembering Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln helps us realize tha
t skin color and religion shouldn't separate us. My mom didn't vote for Obama only because she was hoping to make history with the first African American president, but also because she could relate to him, and she knows his plan for America and the Americans' support for him will help us reach a better future.
"Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many.They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America--they will be met."

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