Saturday, January 24, 2009

Writer's Block

My mom expresses our views better than me, so go look at THE WET BUN and you'll be more enlightened. Besides, most of the time I use words wrong and so what I'm trying to say makes no sense, hence my mother is way better than me. She's brilliant. Go read her blog :)
And for the record, I didn't copy her post. I bet she's going to accuse me for pasting her ideas on my blog. NO, I DIDN'T! I wrote mine, then read hers. My writing is very inferior compared and contrasted to my mother's. I thought my post was OK, then I read hers. She knows history better too. So go look at her page :)
I get writer's block when I want to write a post, so I resort to politics, which probably bore people to death because they hear enough of it on the news and I'm not that smart in the politics area. But I do have an opinion, so I guess it works, but then I read my mom's thing, and I want to delete what I wrote.  So I'm writing about writer's block, because that's what I have in my mind, so that's what I have to writ about. But for some reason the politics kick in when writer's block comes to see me. Isn't that weird?
I've used all my story ideas already and when I can't think of anything I try to change another book so that technically it's original, but it has the same plot. Then I get guilty because I don't want to copy someone else's piece, so I erase it all and sit on my bed or in my desk at school brainstorming for hours and yet no ideas come to mind. It reminds me of Orson Scott Card's Memory of Earth because it was like I was reading 1 Nephi again, except in that story God is a computer. He rewrote the Book of Mormon, but added a twist so you couldn't tell it was already a book. Then you remember that most people aren't Mormon, so you can infer that they'll think Card's story line is original. Sneaky little Orson...
So that's my problem with writer's block. I have to use another's idea, then I get an idea, then the idea fades, then I copy again, then I get guilty and erase it all, then I sit with a blank page forever. I hate a blank page. It's so tormenting, like it's staring you down, then it draws out its pistol and starts shooting ideas from other people at you, and you get so frustrated you crumple it up in a ball and hurl it into the trash can. Dumb old writer's block isn't welcome on my loose leaf paper.

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