Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stupid Figner.

On Monday at school I was playing basketball, and I was trying to catch a pass, but it hit my finger funny. It hurt really bad, so I sat out for the rest of recess.
Then it kept hurting throughout Math, so I wrote 'I hurt my figner' on the marker board. Everyone was laughing at it, 'cause they thought my misspelling of the word finger was done accidentally. But it wasn't; I did that purposefully to be funny.
 When my mom picked me up for ballet, my finger had a burning/aching sensation. It hurt really bad. Still. Hours after it had been hit. Mom had to open the car door for me, because I couldn't do it with my bad finger. Worse still, it was on my right hand, and I am right-handed.
After ballet it had started to swell and turn a bluish-purple, sickly color, and Mom finally agreed to take me to the hospital to see if it was broken.
I waited with her for the doctors to come back with the verdict, because they had taken my x-ray. We peered out the window of the door to try to reach a diagnosis. Then the doctor came in, and she informed us that it wasn't broken. But she guessed that the ligaments were badly torn and my finger was bleeding internally, which led to the swelling.
So I'm stuck in this freaking splint for two weeks, not counting the ten minutes I have it off in the morning when I bathe.
I can barely shoot a basketball with the splint on, so I have to use my left hand, which isn't easy at all. It's absolutely humiliating to do such inaccurate shots; usually I make most every one. This sucks, man. Very suckyish. 


AsOurHeartsBlossom said...
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AsOurHeartsBlossom said...

I lvoe how you use the word "suckyish".


tiedyeparadise said...
