Monday, June 7, 2010

our garden--the first day!

During the afternoon on Saturday (of all times!) we started
working on our garden. Behind our bishop's house across the street is a big field. They told us that we could choose any cleared area to plant that no one has used yet. We chose an area right behind his house so it would be easier to water it. It was next to another family's garden (that didn't look all that professional, but don't tell them I said that) and another that looked pretty nice.

Mom showed me how to plow a row for the tomato plants we bought earlier that week.
I raked the plowed row and we dug holes for the tomatoes and filled them with water. After we had caged them, we did some more rows for marigolds, spinach, broccoli, and beans. Mom
showed me how everything was done and I got pretty good at raking. We got tired, so I went and got us big glasses of milk.

After all of the rows were complete, Mom started making a mountain of dirt. She explained that you put zucchini or cucumber seeds on top so that they have something to grow their vines on. We made three hills and planted the seeds.
Finally it was done! I was exhausted. I felt like I could collapse in the field! I was already smothered in dirt; what difference would it make?

Now all Mom had to do was water the seeds with our hose (which was unfortunately a tad too short, so we had to spray the garden instead). It looked magnificent once it was finished. Sort of something that Martha Stewart would do. I'm so excited for it to grow!

I'm planning on posting more photos as our garden develops, as I said before. I hope it comes out great.

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