Wednesday, June 2, 2010


(This will only make sense to you if you have seen or read Death Note.)

I was Kira, and my friend Lindsay was Second Kira. We were going about writing criminals' names on our Death Notes and trying to avoid the police. We were prime suspects, but we didn't want anybody's suspicions to be confirmed. We were in an area that looked like the entrance of my grandma's house, but it was larger and it was very crowded. There was a slowly flowing river and a small cavern to our right. The whole place was heavily guarded by police. People bustled around conversing about the Kira case, and Lindsay and I were trying to stay well away from everyone else. We were wearing black full-body suits (sort of like Iron Man) that made us look very suspicious.
We were standing next to the river when two policemen raced at us.
"I'll catch you, Kira, or my name isn't"--he said his name. I wrote it on my Death Note and he collapsed, dead. The other policemen idiotically did the same and died by Lindsay's hand.
Some other officers saw their comrades fall, and they charged at us. Lindsay and I dove into the river and swam into the tiny cavern. It was dark and cramped, but at least the officers didn't see where we had swum.
We crawled deeper into the cavern until we reached our secret room where we had a bunk bed. Lindsay collapsed onto the lower bunk and sighed. She told me that she was sure we'd get caught soon. I told her that we wouldn't be if we tried our best to remain inconspicuous. We took off our black suits as a start and wore regular casual clothes. We left the room by climbing out the window and lowering ourselves using the palm trees outside.
People had gathered in the driveway and were dividing into groups to investigate (ahem, break into) the houses in the neighborhood. We joined a group and set off, racing through dark backyards. Lindsay was always at the head of the group and I trailed close behind her. Soon we came to a yard where someone saw our group, so we hid in the backyard of a completely dark house. It looked like the perfect place to look for evidence (even though Lindsay and I were Kira). We opened the front door (which was conveniently unlocked) and began to search the drawers of the house for books and possible notes concerning Kira. The house was quite eerie, and creepy music played in the background. It was a little less scary when we turned the lights on.
The place seemed suspicious, but of course they didn't find anything. Soon the family's car pulled into the driveway and there was a panicked flurry of people turning off lights and rushing out the back door. Some lights were left on by accident.
I don't think we got caught...that's when my dream ended.

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