Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Meddy Chreestmas
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Mommy & me time
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I'm reading it! I am no longer an enemy
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving, happy, happy day
Friday, November 21, 2008
End of trimester one
Monday, November 17, 2008
My Birthday! Oh, yeah! Hallelujia!
I did a PowerPoint on Idaho and it's pretty cool... just kidding. I'm bored. I have ballet today at 4:15, I guess that's cool. I hope Kelsie can come today. She has been gone. I think she had the flu.. It's becoming an epidemic here! I have never had the flu or flu shots... isn't it weird that people that get flu shots are more likely to get the flu?
Sigh... still bored.
My birthday is coming soon, though! It's in December. My little brother and I are having a double birthday party at the clubhouse by the condos where my daddy lives. We will go swimming and watch movies and play games and eat junk food! Yum! All of my friends will be there.. I hope. Both Ethan and I are inviting almost fifteen people... so there will be almost thirty kids there! Ahh! But it will be very fun. I'm really anxious and excited for it!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
President Barack Obama

My mom is crying. This is so amazing. He did it. He's taking over in January to guide our country to a better future.

Oh My Gosh He Got Ohio!!!!
OMG he got OHIO!!!!!!!

Pennsylvania Whoop Whoop!!
Please win Barack, please!

Please vote for Obama if you are old enough because he rocks my world. McCain gives me a gargantuan headache and also the heebie-jeebies. And everyone at my school thinks he's going to raise taxes on everybody, but isn't it only the people that get 250 grand a year? I put a picture of him on my locker this morning and someone ripped it off. Arrg!
When I was on the bus, they were complaining about having to wear uniforms at school. They were mad that Obama wants to pull us out of Iraq! How can you be mad at someone for not wanting war? They said, "There will be war no matter what." Uh... OK. Whatever, dude.
And they said he has no experience and Palin has more than him! That's preposterous! Palin would SUCK as a president if McCain were elected and something happened to him while he was in office. Hopefully he doesn't make it to the White House at all.
So we were at Maverick to get some snacks and the cashier was talking to the customer and he was like, "Yeah, I wish Sarah could be elected." The cash lady agreed and I said, "Yeah, sure OK."
My mom got really mad because this is a Republican county and if you say things like that, you're basically shredded into a zillion pieces.
So yeah, I want to be a Democrat when I grow up. It's funny because my mom is a registered Independent and my dad is conservative, and together they made a Democrat... it is a little weird. Usually a kid sides with one of their parents. I do on the Obama thing with my mom, but I ended up a Democrat when neither of my parents are??
My mom said I'm too young to make these decisions yet though. I mean, I am against gay marriage and abortion (actually in some cases I think it's necessary), so I guess I can't be aa Democrat. So maybe I sould be an Indepentdent. I dunno.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
It's November??
I completely forgot that November was after October! Happy November?? WEIRD!!
I'm gonna barf from all these Tootsie Rolls
I have a HUGE amount of candy in a floral pillowcase. In fact, I'm chewing on a large chocolate Tootsie Roll as I type this. The pillowcase is on my lap.
My costume, an orange turtleneck with black felt for a face and a green hat, kept me very warm. I was a jack-o-lantern. We were all jack-o-lanterns, and every house we came to had a person that said, "Aw, cute little matching pumpkin triplets!" (Ethan had gone home with Dad not even halfway through our trick-or-treating.) It kept me very warm during the night, but it was unusual because it was warm last night. We've never had a warm Halloween, until now!

We watched Corpse bride last night. It scared me when it first came out, especially the part with the guy that splits himself in half. But it was cool last night. (For one thing I didn't have my glasses on so I couldn't really see Tim Burton's animation flickering on the wall.)
Leigha is watching it again on the projector in the living room. I'm still stuffing myself with Tootsie Rolls.
I guess this is my last year of trick-or-treating. My mom said no more candy past my twelfth birthday, but then we agreed on thirteen from my arguing. So one more year!
Monday, October 27, 2008
10 things I love most...about my best friend
1) She has an aptitude for writing. You could give her something to write about and she would have a story in 5 seconds. If you don't believe me read her blog. But she doesn't talk the way she writes, in my opinion.
2) My mom has a killer sense of humor, though I may not understand it sometimes because she's a grown up and has learned more stuff than me and uses it in her jokes.
3) She is really pretty.
4) She helps me when I'm sad and consoles me when I am encountering a tough situation.
5) She is always willing to help. She helped us practice songs in Primary when Sister King was absent and she made fun games. She volunteered to help in Physical Education in my sister's class and was surprised to hear that she had to take over the whole class with no help. Second-graders!
6) My mom is very artistic. She paints robins and made a creative journal with peices of colorful paper and paintings, BUT IT IS NOT A SCRAPBOOK! It's a journal.
8) She takes me to see rodeos and concerts with her.
9) She makes fun of Sarah Palin and McCain adn is one of the very few supporters of Barack Oobama in our red county.
10) She's my mom. Who wouldn't love their mom for going through hours of labor to have them? NO ONE!!
Yes, she is the best mommy I could have. She's funny and watches Saturday Night Llive and other comical news reports with me and she supports Obama. SHE IS THE COOLEST MOM EVER!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Boasting.doc; Microsoft Word
I usually write free-verse but I think this poem is funniest if it rhymes. I know this isn't, um, professional, but someday I'll write as well as the pros. I was inspired by Shell Silverstein and my mother's good friend, Guy Mayhem.
I can fly
Seven feet high
On my trapeze.
So you can go eight
Well, that’s just great
But you really have to hear
That I can wiggle my ears.
Oh, no.
You can wiggle your nose
Back and forth and up and down
Side to side
And all around town.
That’s quite swell
But everyone knows
That I can balance
On my toes!
Oh, dread.
So you can balance on your head.
That is quite an amazing thing,
But I can dance and I can sing,
I can stomp and I can shout
I can laugh and run about.
These things you can do, too
Instead of sit
And brag about you.
What is that terrible thing you say?
You think that I should go and play?
Instead of sit and tell great lies
Of how I can go
Seven feet high?
Well, where did you hear
Such trashy talk?
I think you should take a walk!
Go cool off and get some air
And let us never go back to there
To that state
Where best friends hate
And never, ever congratulate
Each other.
Even still you seem to think
That my brain has got a kink.
I’m sick of you, I really am, you’re a mindless, stupid dope
You think that you are better than me
(Well, you only hope).
So go away
I want to play
I’m going to find a new friend
And our friendship will never end.
Oh look, here comes someone now
I think that I
Shall take a bow
Then I’ll look up
And I will say:
“Hi, do you want to play today?”
And they’ll reply, “Yes,
Of course I do,
I was hoping
That you’d play, too.”
Then we’ll trot off together,
Like best friends do.
I’ll then jump up and down
And I’ll touch the sky,
And I’ll nudge my friend and say:
“Bet you can’t go that high.”
box.txt; Microsft Word
Hiding inside my little box
Concealed by these stone walls,
Slipping away with each minute,
Trying to pull myself out.
I call to them, "Hey,
Grab on to my arms
And release me from my gloomy cell!"
But scoffing, they turn away.
And still,
I lurk in the dark,
Not knowing what awaits me.
All I see is pitch-blackness,
Surrounding my trembling body.
I reach out
Expecting warm, welcoming hands to grasp me,
But I feel cold ice,
I feel only dark, gloomy air
Not moving.
I walk,
And wait,
For someone,
To relieve my pain of not knowing.
I desperately need to escape
This unwelcoming pit,
This box
Which has swallowed me up.
I always ask questions,
Maybe too many,
And that is why they have banished me
Into this world
Of sadness,
And deceit.
No one but me is here,
Struggling to understand
The meaning of things,
Feeling, feeling
In the dark.
I wish,
I wonder,
And never know.
Freezing stone walls
Block my access to the outside world.
There is no comfort
When I am lost.
I can't see,
Or hear
Let alone understand
What is happening.
But someday, I will step out of this box,
And light will fall upon everything,
And I'll see everything,
Hear everything,
Understand everything.
Nothing will be nothing,
I will be something.
I have finished a new painting of a pathway leading to an open sky. My friend thought it was a mountain and so I'm not as proud of it as I was last night while painting it as the third presidential debate played on television.

Saturday, October 11, 2008
So then I decided that I should be a pumpkin. But then I thought, Crap, I got rid of my orange turtleneck last year! I was thinking that I could wear green pants, the orange turtleneck, and an orange hat with a stem on it and then stuff my shirt with pillows. I thought it would be cute... but then Mom said I might look pregnant. My idea was spoiled.
I have no idea what the crap to be!!
When we got the Obama mask my mom was bummed that there wasn't a Palin one so she could make fun of her on Halloween. Since there wasn't one she "had no choice" but to take my Obama idea. Errg!
Last year I was a medieval princess thing with a green dress and a white veil. But about three other people had the same costume! The year before that I was this dumb mermaid with pink hair. I looked retarded. I wanna be something cool this year!
I remember years ago that I had a plan to be Alice in Wonderland, but I think I ended up being Elmo or something. I could be Alice this year! I could totally get the whole blue dress, black bow, and I won't even need a yellow wig because I already have the right hair color!
And the way Alice is illustrated in Lewis Carrol's book is about the way she looks in the Disney film.
Then all I need to do is go find some random lost cat and say it's Dinah. Yes! I'm finished.
Where am I gonna find the cat?
I really wish Dustpelt were here. He'd be perfect!
I've never been something scary for Halloween. I remember last year in school there was this girl dressed as Edward Scissorhands... no, way too scary and old.
I was a bat one year, maybe I could be one this year?... no, that was five years ago, the costume won't fit anymore.
I think I'll settle for Alice. Better go find Dustpelt!... er, Dinah!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My New Drug

Monday, October 6, 2008
Cave Falls

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Oh, and on Thursday when Mom was working om Bye Bye Birdie at the high school we found a cat and he was so cute. At first I thought it was a girl so I called him Willow, but then I actually checked and it was a boy. Then I called him Dustpelt for his gray-brown fur. He sort of looked like this, but his coat was a lot paler and his eyes were more green-yellow. He looked a lot tamer than this cat I guess this picture isn't that good to describe him. It was the one that looked the most like him on Google. He had short fur like this, though.

for his brownish-gray fur. I wanted to keep him so I put him in the van. Ethan told Mom and she get all mad and I was forced to leave Dustpelt on the sidewalk. *sniff*.
Then I told my Dad about him and he said that he wished I could've kept him so we could have a pet kitty. I'm sad I don't have a kitty.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I have no idea what I did wrong. I cried for a small minute and the lady that gave me a ride to Idaho Falls bought me an enormous ice cream cone which I devoured in a matter of minutes. It was my favorite kind, Oreo. It looked like a snowy mountain with mud. And I ate it. It made me sort of happy but not enough.
I use my brain! I just get a little confused on the eight positions of the body. My mom said that she will work harder with me to get them right. I have to go now, the library's closing.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
My Potential Famous Saying
"There are the advantages of sharing a name with a peer; you might not be the person the teacher is yelling at."
It's freakin' awesome! Honestly, though, don't make fun of me because it doesn't sound like the ones that Dr. Suess and Martin Luther King Jr. made up. I'm not old... I'm not dead, either!
You make Sunny scared, Barrett

Farm Pictures
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
4 Classes?

Okay, I am loving ballet classes. I don't mean to brag, but I am getting pretty good. I have these terrible pains in my thighs and that means that I have been turning out the correct way. If I'm lucky I'll go en pointe wen I turn twelve in December. I still need to work on strengthening my ankles. And my toes.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I still can't think of anything
Well... My brother's friend is visiting our dad's house this weekend, and they're playing video games right now. I'm not done with my homework yet and I go on the internet almost every day. I write in my journal and I'm trying to think of what I want to be when I grow up. I either want to be an artist, a writer/poet, a basketball player, a ballerina, or something else. I'm really not sure.
And I have to admit that I don't write nearly as much on my blog as I do in my journal, because some stuff is personal, right? So you need to give me a break and wait for something cool to happen. That isn't secret or anything. Uh, see ya!...
This is a cute frog

Friday, September 12, 2008

Lazy lazy me...
Yes, so I have neglected both my blog and my personal journal, I don't do many outdoor activities, and all I do after school is watch television or something else that would be considered "lazy".
I don't really have much to report. Leigha, my seven-year-old sister, is escorting the homecoming king at tonight's football game. I guess that's something... at least it takes up some space on this page.
I get all my homework done, and so far I don't have any F's in school (I think)... I'm actually pretty glad about that.
I found my old PSR's blog. That was happy... it was a happy time.
I want to keep a kitty that we found. I call her Yellowfang. My dad says that she looks too mangy to keep, but she's really friendly.
And I'll think of something else to post in a while. See ya!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
39 Things To Do Before You Die

Saturday, August 23, 2008
My mom's lake

My mom found Horseshoe Lake, her lake. When she needed it it had disappeared, but after driving around for an hour we saw it. Lily pads cover its surface and the water is dark and murky, but it's beautiful. I waded through the water for the half hour we had to stay there, mud gushing through my toes. We didn't get to stay there long, but we found it all the same.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Those rivals of mine are really getting on my nerves
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
My Graphite Rose